Thursday Zeel.

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December is heading up with lot of chilling nights and temperature touching to 10© some times. It is quite normal for us as we open eye in such conditions and know to face and Bear it .

Yesterday I traveled around 500 km by train to come in my grandparents town where the wedding of two daughters of my aunty was fixed on 8th December.

Weddings are best source to be gathered and meet lot of family members which living far away. A fun , pleasure and joy in such events because our rich costumes , rituals and colourful traditions made it more charming.

Today, Thursday, I was assigned to look after the arrangement of the wedding hall with my first cousin. First we made sure to provide all necessary items to kitchen for food of guests. Then indoor lighting and setting of hall according to our demand and numbers of guests.

The Hall

Such arrangements always tiring the body and mind because we travel by bike to market almost four times to bring different things. Around 11.30 am we finalized every thing. The food was ready, drinks chilled , Tea boiled and sweets in trays yum. But I tired..

Relaxing little bit

At 2.30 an guests alnog with both grooms starts to come in the hall. Our elders came out to main gate ( as respect to the guests) to wellcome them . A short music by army band with specific tunes was also there .

After wellcome ritual we offer drinks to all the guests. The waiters of hall reach to every guest so sharply that within 15 minutes almost 500 guests has glass of drink in his hand.

The main part of wedding Nikah ( A written deed of marriage) took place after the drinks where the Islamic scholar offer the prayer for new couples. Both bridels and grooms signed the deed and become officially partners.

A delicious lunch served to all the guests. Menu was chicken roasted, mutton qorma , rice , sweet custurd and some different salads.

We all went up free from lunch and traditional black tea at 4.00 pm and grooms took their bridels to the homes at 5.00 pm. I met all the guests and says see off . Left for home of grandma just and reached home now.

Thursday Zeel was on peak and now whole aching with tiredness. But enjoyed a lot and feels so nice to be part of this wedding.

Thanks for reading my day story and I will be glad by knowing you thoughts in comments. Like , upvote and subscribe.

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Lead image: pixabay


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That mean you enjoyed it tired you so much. Listen learned: Everything you want and to enjoy it needs hardwork and tiring moments

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Today I want to share something. You look like a teacher in our school.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

with the way i can see it, your Thursday day was so much busy for you and u spend your time in a right way, maybe it is better to take a rest for a while.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It was really fun. You had a so much fun my friend. Congratulations to the newlywed couple! 🎉

$ 0.02
1 year ago

So you are there to attend the wedding of your aunt's daughters. I hope the function went well.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yes it was full of energy and fun

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I always enjoyed the wedding ceremony but I remembered how I had to become responsible on my sister wedding. I hope you had good time there.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It was a pleasure to be in wedding. Amazing experience with cousins.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are not looking tired up from the picture although wedding days are Tiring up for those who have to look up at the work of whole wedding. Also pakistani weddings are really fun

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Really enjoyed a lot . Tiredness in legs only by walking more in hall and kitchen.

$ 0.00
1 year ago