Strengthen the relationship with RR.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I read some articles previous days in which writers were upset and complained about The random rewarder (RR) tippings. Some were talking to leave from the plateform due to reason that RR not supporting their write ups.

It is compulsory to understand the RR algorithm and his functions. We must keep in mind that it is not which works in certain commands and programming. It is pure his own Will to distribute the rewards in users which writes within his guidelines.

We must care in these things to keep our pleasant relationship with RR.


Our content should be interesting for the people. Readers wants the worth of his time and want to learn some thing new from the contents. Our content should be up-to-date and genuine. It should be not less than 3 minutes reading time with meaningful script.


It is best thing to get maximum benifits from your efforts. The best way to get uniqueness is don't go to any site for assistance , write on any topic in your own words and thinking.


No mercy at all to those who copy/ paste the sentences / paragraphs from other sites. It is big crime in blogging and RR stop tippings at once when it detect such elements in blog.

Photos /images /pictures.

We use photos to help our content to be easy to understand be readers. Use always free to use photos with reference. If photos are not from free sites and had water marks / bubble marks & copy right issue , then don't use them in blogs.

Frequented tipping to certain user.

If you are tipping to certain user frequently , this practice can put your account under radar. So always tip to mixed articles and some times skip it .


Irrelevant , improper and too short like yes , ok , well-done , great , good morning/evening can put your account in red zone . Always read the contents fully and comment properly. If can't understand the content then better skip it.

Zero rated comments.

System detected normally low quality comments automatically and keep it hidden at the end of comments. Don't try to reply such comments which detects by system. Leave them unopened and forget to response.

Cheating with system.

RR is master of artificial intelligence and knows much more then us. We can't hide any cheating from it . So don't cheat him by different tricks in write up.

Upvote timing.

It is our responsibility to upvote / downvote any article after reading fully. Where we did mistake that a blog demands to read it ( according to read time) 3-4 minutes and we upvote it within seconds after opening it. It is dangerous practice because the time on article also recorded by system and this practice can put us in radar of RR.

If you want to learn more visit these articles.

The Random Rewarded ( by admin)

Ten Simple tips to succeed as writer on read cash. ( By Pantera )


Thanks for your precious time to read my article. Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback.

Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince

Thanks to my humble sponsors who twinkle my box .

Lead image: pixabay ( modified)


$ 6.47
$ 6.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Pantera
$ 0.05 from @Fexonice1
+ 7
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Thanks for this useful and helpful information. I gain knowledge on what is the right thing to do here. I shall remember these things always to avoid some necessary things to happen with my account

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Glad to know that I could help !

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have reached clarity as to why my original account was not visited by RR anymore. Reading this made me realize some of my mistakes, though they were unintentional. I shall keep those reminders by heart. Thank you very much.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I saw comments from some users at the very end of my article and they are hidden so I never replied. We should read carefully the soccer article provided by read cash where all the rules have been given.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yeah, you're right Amjad, my first account got spam, but I don't why? I use my original content or should I say original photos that time, but I'm shocked when I open it again my all comments are all hidden, but it's ok, life must go on.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I read full of your article and I learn many many new things from this REALLY and frequently tipping to certain uses I don't know about this but know I knew it and try to be careful from this

$ 0.03
2 years ago