South Asia - A fertile land for bitcoin cash.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


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South Asia is most populous subcontinent of the world. It has almost 25% of world population in it . 355 Million people had residency in this zone , A big market for every business. China , India , Pakistan , srilanka , Bangladesh, Vietnam and Nepal are major countries in South Asia. South Asia map source

If we look in index of emerging Crypto adoptive regions and countries of 2021 , a surprising element can see that top 3 countries are from this region. The growth in Crypto business touched 800% plus in a single year which is based on P2P transaction data.

Image source

Although China has strict monitoring and restrictions over Crypto since May 2021 which force investors to explore new locations as Singapore who create Crypto friendly environment in no time and gets the flying birds from China on its territory.

When "Huobi" stop registration of accounts and announced that by maximum by first quarter of 2022 , going to dismiss all accounts under his umbrella. Same time Singapore central bank was busy to amendment of treasury regulations to ease the way of Crypto. Even Binance was effected highly and at last they starts his operations from Singapore. That calls futuristic strategy.

The population of South Asia has influncial life style. Most of population has living under some influncial banner . It can be political, religious , social , traditional , ritual etc under which they stayed in faith and fix the priority according.

If I took just a religious factor , a huge majority in people still has faith that Crypto is forbidden. Now we can't change the mindset untill a religious iconic scholar comes up and preach the followers for it . As Irshad Ahmed ijaz said in a recent massage that Crypto is not forbidden. We are in digital world and the digital currency like bitcoin cash should be accepted in our daily life for payment. So such awareness shattered clouds from the minds and works more effectively then any financial advisor.

The land of South Asia is highly enriched and fertile in terms of youth , skills , manpower ,numbers and eagerness. Need to get the right approach to bring it in main streams by touching the mindset.

I will add an example here that if @btcfork or @Telesfor ( I took them as Crypto verse experts) explain a group of people in South Asian society from morning to afternoon about BCH , its utilities, value, proceedings , importance in savings and all . People ( even educated & civilised) will feel hesitation to step in physical. But One leader of denomination , religious scholar , head of religious party says about BCH is best and go for it . Next day you can see 10k new BCH addresses created and activated. That is influence!

Bitcoin cash should react here by catching up the grass root of influncial pattern. Either in political or religious influncial banner which has strong voice in the region.


Thanks for your kind time till reading now. Like , upvote the article if my efforts matching some satisfaction. Thanks to my all sponsors which encourages me all the time . Love , spread and help BCH in Adoption in your areas.

Lead image. ( Modified)


$ 3.32
$ 3.19 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Fexonice1
$ 0.03 from @Ella-234
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


If only crypto can be accepted in my country I believe BCH would have been the best due to its low gas fee

$ 0.03
2 years ago

BCH is more effective in low fee , yes but also the speed of transaction , accuracy and efficiency also gives uniqueness. Because time is most important now and BCH took seconds to transi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nowadays it is quite an adventure to have your cryptocurrencies safe but they have proven to be much more important than other stores of value.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Store value will come automatically when users number will rise. If in a street 10 users available with BCH , sure shop of the street will start to accept it as payment method. I have a grocery shop in my village who accept BCH against the commodity buy from his shop.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello my friend, this is a good article. Btw, for your information, if you joined the 5billionsales project I shared last time, the project launched a day ago. You can check on my today's article to know what to do to start earning reward from the program.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

I just checked the project. It looks awesome , easy and flourish one to get our share in 5B . Definitely going to work on it today!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If all of government of our country take some positive action about crypto and BCH.Must be there is a lot of chance to improve our financial markets. Good content my friend.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Individual awareness help by us into of friends circle can help BCH in current scenario because when users will grow government also open his eyes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago