Shy , Shame & hesitation.

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2 years ago


There are lot of steps to ladder of success as hard work , willpower , decision power , passion , determination and dedication to our goal. These things made any person a successful in his Field and ease the way to success. Oppositely shy , shame and hesitant are biggest hurdle in our journey.

Shy or feeling shame is somewhere natural in some cases but mostly our childhood living styles made it happen. Environment around where more criticism found then appreciation and less gratitude then hate develop these things in kids. They loose self confidence and slowly they fell in shy to talk anything in front of others. One thing more , such kids can express their feelings in writing , texting , calling but when comes face to face interaction , they can't express in words loudly.

For example lot of people hide their some sickness , desiese and feeling from others untill not go serious. Especially if they have some testily prostate and breast issues. They didn't talk to elders and do maximum avoiding from doctors. They feel shame to examine from a doctor. A unknown fear gripped them from talking or consulting to a professional.

As happened couple of days before with my friend. He was suffering from urine blocking problem since a month. I have no idea that in medical language what we can say but simply his urine was not passing out in flow and has some pain while doing this. He didn't talk to any one due to shy & shame element. At last it gone worst and he admitted in hospital where doctor did a surgery and he is fine now. According to doctor , it was quite possible to avoid from surgery if you comes in earlier stage.

In this case girls are more brave then boys in our society where they can easily talk to lady doctor about their problems but boys feels more shy and shame when they reach to a doctor especially where required to dress down for check up.

Hesitations has lot of kinds and shapes where we face this Hurdle often to talk with others. Mostly this thing happened when we talk to senior, wealthier , high profile , groomed and high ranked official. Hesitations to do any thing new in Life also a channel of it but this one we cover soon by practicing but first one need a full therapy and reconciliation.

Hesitations also relates to earlier age lifestyle where we didn't allow our kids to question , ask , talk to us freely. The communication gap between parents and kids ends up with hesitation in minds of kids. It goes more worst when we abuse , beat and torches our kids on their questions. They falls in hesitate life to talk any one and it lasts whole life.

We should develop friendly environment with our kids to develop positive thinking , free of shy and hesitant life which is compulsory to generate the self confidence. And it is first step to a successful career and life.

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2 years ago


those three words are similar to each other and we can use it too. but to have those words manifest in us is not good at all,.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is called urine retention brother. I agreed a friendly envelope allows people to ask more for learning purpose. Shy, hesitation and shame all are in human nature but we should not dominate them on us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks for adding valuable knowledge to me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every time welcome, I am medicine doctor so I know human complecations.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's q very wrong practice. Shying in some matters is ok. But when it comes down to health related issues or other important issue، one must be open about it، at least with doctor because there is no greater blessing than a good health۔ We really need to change our mentalities.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I couldn't remember vividly a proverb that support that friend of yours not taking on time regarding to his health issues. The meaning of the proverb is that, if we don't speak up early at times, there are some things that will Just claim ones life

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Sometimes we are shy and feel hesitate to ask for something. These things are related to each other.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

These things produce negativity in us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago