She Couldn't Sleep That Night!!

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2 years ago


The relationships stands on feelings and care . But some times we bear others to keep relationship alive which is not a good practice but we did often. The most pure , worthy and full of kindness relationship is between a mother and her kids.

It was 26th October 2002 when I got my passport and ticket to go Saudi Arabia on a contract visa with attractive package. I was excited about it when travel agent hand over my traveling documents. I reached home and tell to family that I am going abroad on 28th of this month.

My sisters and brother congrats me on this opportunity. In the evening my uncle also came to see me because next day morning I had to depart to the Karachi international airport which is around 700 km far from my village. That journey I did by railway. So till evening lot of friends , class mates and neighbors came to meet me. (Actually in village such news took a huge progressive opportunity).

But in all this scenario one personality was quite , serious and unexpressive. That was my mother. When I told her about confirmation of ticket , she didn't have any warm feeling. Oppositely I noticed that she trying to hide her feelings. I asked Mom that are you not happy on my going abroad, she eloigned my question to went busy to serve guests which were coming to meet me.

Around 10 pm everyone gone their bed to sleep. Me too lay down on bed with charming , delightful dreams in mind. My Mom comes to me and ask , Amjad you need any thing ( water , milk ). I said , no Mom it is ok . I noticed that she mountebank to see me. Again after one hour she came to see me but I was sleeping. She circles four to five times to my bed to see me ( My dad told me later about it ) .

Whole night she couldn't sleep because her son was leaving her for at least one year. And you know that untill 2000 there was no internet , digital media to keep interactions. The only source of communication was postal letters. Early morning my elder sister comes to my bed to awake me up but mom said that let him sleep more. ( Normally she awake us for prayer Early morning).

Early morning again she was quite and avoid to talk to anyone. Her eyes were red and looking weightiness. At 10.00 am I was ready to depart. I met all family members one by one , when I hug Mom to say goodbye. She could not hold her tears and cried like a toddler. I can't explain what situation was with me but I let her weeping to clear her chest from sadness. After couple of minutes my father comes ahead and comfert her , says some words of encouragement. And told that let him allow to go. She kissed my forehead with wet eyes and put hand on my head , gives lot of prayers and I left out to go on railway station to start my journey.

It remains mystery for my that " why she couldn't sleep that night" for many years. But when I become father later then only I could understand that what is parental love . I am sure she was in thinking about my far away going and the sadness of this thought could not ease her to sleep.

We can't imagine that how much our moms loves us. May Almighty Allah bless her soul rest in peace and award the highest rank in heaven.


Thank you so much for reading my emotions and feelings in article. Like , upvote and comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Mom's love can never be measured dear friend. Because there prayers are only for their children. When suddenly you decided to go. It must have been painful for her.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Exactly she was in stress due to my departure.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can't compare the which our mother has for us with anything. Currently I'm studying far away from my home so I witnessed and am witnessing this kind of situation. There is nothing Which is more pure and precious than the love which our mothers gives us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

No one can love us so much unconditionally except mother. May Allah she rest in peace.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you Akaash for kind prayer!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We maybe old enough but in the eyes of our parents I could say we are still thier kids. I observed that my Mom could not sleep if she knows that there is someone missing or not yet home.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is her pure love , unmeasurable care and god's nature. She never comfertable if someone missing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

indeed, no one can surpass a mother's love

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mother's love is truely unconditional. My mom died almost 5 years now and I truely miss her everyday.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

May Almighty Allah bless her soul rest in peace!! We miss them who left us but we can't forget mother and we remember her on every occasion and on every festival.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My mom also no more and she left us at her early age, we are unlucky that lose her earlier and I pray for Jannatul Firdaus for all moms whoever left us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Amen!! May Almighty Allah bless them rest in peace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago