Self sabotage!

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2 years ago


Wrecking the things with guiltily is sabotage and doing such act for ownself is self sabotage. It could be your goal , living styles, mission, struggle or destination which spoiled by yourself with negative & purpose.

I will add a example to understand how we sabotage ourselves. "There was a group of eagles flying on mountainsm. They saw a valley with lot of preys and decided to land and live there. Every needy thing was there to eat without effort.

One day a wise eagle said to group that we are going fat , loosing skills and forgetting the hunting which was our power. Let's go back to forest and live hunting life but no one agreed to fly with him. So he left the valley alone and fly to the forest. After some times a group of tigers arrive there and killed all the eagles because they couldn't fly nor go away to save their life. Wise eagle came back to them and asked from a dying eagle, " what happened with you? He replied, " you was right, we born for hunting by nature and we went against it and adopt the comfert zone which becomes the reason of our killing."

Above example shows that nature gives some skills and techniques to live & survive here. Each creature blessed with specific capabilities to protect himself and found the food to its tribe.

Now if we look at ourselves, we have potential, qualities and specific skills. Each of us has different point of power which is key to survive. When we deny to fulfill our needs purposely then it starts a journey towards self sabotage. Some times we broke our professional successful chase and some times we went rude in attitude.

Fear is another fact in which we falls and detract ourself. More destruction starts when we didn't like ourself, our presentation, our likes , our appearance. so we start lacking in contacting others , building the relationship and handling the situation.

What necessary to keep ourself away from sabotage ? Keep moving and build your mounts. Don't fall in comfert zone, if you are already there then leave it asap. Don't ruine yourself under the dust of time. Search the environment full of dangers which will polish your abilities and will help to know your nature of birth.

Thank you so much for reading my thoughts about the self sabotage. Like , upvote and leave a comment to know your opinions.

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2 years ago


We shouldn't isolate ourself with negative thoughts, but rather find our purpose and trust ourself in everything we do...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly we should avoid sabotage. We should utilize our skills but must be confident about ourselves as well. I appreciate the old eagle who took decision firmly.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We are the owner of our life and best decision maker as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow,this topic makes me realize that our life depends on how we manage it. Trust your own capabilities and strengthening your skills is the best power we need to survive in this cruelty world.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Survival required struggle more then earlier now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This write-up is so well written.

If we live a luxurious life and never come up from our comfort zone then it will become a disease for us and we will ruin our lives by ourselves. You give a great example of a wise eagle and its fellows to understand the concept of sabotage.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Most of us falls in this trap when we have some easiness. I appreciate your words Meher !

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We would live good life if we leave our comfort zone. They did a great mistake to disobey the wise Eagle.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is reality and still some not understand itand wants success to fall in lap automatically. Thank you itsfarah!

$ 0.00
2 years ago