Read Questions!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago

14th January 2023,

Questions are source of knowledge, wisdom and guidance about those things which we don't know about others and which others don't know about us. swimming in ocean after rusty retirement because lot of people sell their words , time against the paper & digital money and loyalty becomes secondary thing.

I still remember that in April 2021 I was part of Uptrend community ( A prestigious site for quality content writing which has been closed) and I was in last couple of writers who keep writing till last day even not get a single penny against it .

Bearish times always difficult for sites which pay to users in Crypto and uptrend could not survive. passing through exactly same stage but good thing is the domain is alive and only some people are still writing here. I want to take this opportunity to say thanks to @Coolmidwestguy who is doing some fabulous thing to keep community motivated and combine. Coolmidwestguy ( Mr. Bob) put some questions about our engagement on read cash in his previous article Read Questions and reply them so briefly. He paid tribute, call up some memories and evoluted the stay in general. Here is my response to these questions,

What are your favorite things about being on this platform?

No one is perfect in this world and mostly we learn from each other's experiences. My favourite thing is to learn about the Crypto verse, the traditions of different societies, culture & history. I found this plateform best source to read on topic " personal growth" which definitely helps me in my life.

Is there anything you wish you could do more here?

Wishes never ends and once we got one , the desire of second rises up. I completed my one year here on and feels that it never enough to spread the Wings. Actually it was never in my mind that the community will brake down so quickly. It was in my mind to build a non profit base community who works jointly for kids which could not reach to schools.

What are somethings your proud of that you have done here?

The best thing I did is to uplift lot of newbies when they come in my post in comments. I always encourage them , guide them and support them. Tens of users I can name out who were in my personal interaction for guidelines on telegram and WhatsApp. Honestly I never support anyone which not deserves but those who has ability to write good quality content were always there. I feels proud that those are generating income, becames good writers with my efforts. Other hand , I got introduction of bitcoin cash ( BCH) here . I personally took part in awareness about BCH in my community and college students. I helped a grocery store owner to adopt BCH as payment method which is running successfully now.

I didn't agree with Rusty's last post where it claims that readcash could not become a good source or can't fulfill the expectations in terms of BCH awareness and adoption. Read cash gives hundereds of new users to BCH around the globe.

If you missed the original article of owner of these questions then you must visit his article Here .

Thank you so much for your kind time to be here . Like , upvote and leave comment for feedback.

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$ 0.80
$ 0.75 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @Unity
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


We keep on writing. Thanks for still being here and will try writing my answer in those questions maybe tom. Coolmid is a great keeper too.

$ 0.04
1 year ago

Sure , looking your response in article.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And also thank you for keeping it livelier, you keep on blogging.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Great answers my friend. Helping others here is the best thing a user can do here.

$ 0.05
1 year ago

It is something in my nature. Even in my physical life too , I never feel hesitation to help others whatever possible to me.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Good on you, Sir. The world is better place for it :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago