Puberty, A Early adulthood.

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2 years ago


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Puberty is a physical health condition which commonly comes in girls and boys after certain age. It belongs to harmonic change in our body which normally starts after age 9-12 in girls and 10-13 in boys. The particular glands in our body grow rapidly and the physical appearance also change. In girls the growth of breast is first symptom towards puberty and in boys testicles growth and voice deepening are common.

The age for puberty decreasing by each decade and it comes to lowest level that is 6 years of age in some parts. It was 18 years of age in previous century. In middle of 1960 a survey by USA health department gives us stats that average age of adulthood was 17 years. It is alarming situation that why age for puberty is decreasing and what will happen after more 20 years .

There are lot of reasons behind the decline of average age to puberty. Some of them are as below.

Breast Feeding.

The trend of breast Feeding has been reduced in Moms by recent years. Gynecologic operations on births , figure phobia , unnecessary medication during pregnancy, less movement , clumsy attitude are main reasons behind this trend. Now the artificial feeding like skimmed powder milk , lactogenic milk and raw milk of cows/goats never has that nuturation value which mother's have. The body of kids remain hollow which need only minerals of mother's breast feeding can cover.

If we study that data of rural and urban born babies , still rural kids have more average age to adulthood because in our rural areas still mothers feed the kids through Natural source.


Every food which has high fats , salt , sugars and spices is a basic reason in early adultery. If we see our around we can get the answer about it. The food for kids should be Natural , organic and pure but unfortunately we are not caring it . Fast food , salanty , cold drink , spicy food, artificial sweetener & colour and fried food like patties are poison for younger kids in term of puberty.

These high starches , spices and seasonings works like fuel burning for the adulthood in our kids.


Changing lifestyle to luxurious one is another reason behind the early adulthood. Accesive weight , less movement , less opportunity for outdoor play , sleeping disorders , sensitivity in kids leads them to early adulthood. Social media interactions in very early age is one of the reason to a unhealthy lifestyle because sitting with device for Hours made the worst impact in physical fitness. The financial crisis in any home triggered the conflicts between parents which creates the stress in young kids. Then the behaviour of parents in their martial life about conjugacy leaves unforgettable impression on young kids. They must care in sittings , touching , sleeping, hugging , dress changing Infront of the kids because kids always copy what they look and they are more eager to do the same. Early sexual knowledge also one of the reasons in puberty.

Closing paragraph.

Puberty is dangerous in terms of health because early adulthood pauses the growth of body like height and muscular build. Week eyesight , hollow skeleton and declined imaginary powers can be results.

Need to re-establish and re- habilitate our strategy for our kids. We must reduce our screen time , unnecessary social interaction and must focus on our kids of age 3-6 with special food .


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2 years ago


This will make us think about the way we treat our kids and how do we give importance to their growth.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So good point you write here in your article my friend. Nowadays many mom are not take care their children goodly. Because they are busy with social platform. Its really bad for their children.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Our improper diet cause different types of hormonal changes in our body that cause different types of modifications in our cells 😿

$ 0.03
2 years ago

wow, such a very educational article about the stages of life, the puberty and early adulthood, the Erik Erikson stages of social development. We had undergone and will pass each stages in our lives most especially the old age in which we all lead there someday.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Mothers mostly found busy with their device and social interaction so good advice to them.

$ 0.03
2 years ago