We all or only me ignoring the health. It is big issue that I dipped badly in social media and greediness of earnings and forget totally my own health. ( Even in any part of night if I woke up , I must switch on the mobile to check some sites or at least wallets). Some side effects like eyesight, hemoglobin level and suger level in blood appears in different medical reports. Most of suggestions by physician are on body movement and avoid screen time. So after one struggle, reaching near to track of normal routine. Really Health is wealth and I know by personal experience. Stay physical active in your Life !!

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@Amjad_Ali_Waince posted 8 months ago


En serio? Nunca voy a un médico y aunque no me levanto de madrugada a ver teléfono estoy todo el día trabajando y jugando en el y me está afectando la visión.

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8 months ago