My school life (Q/A).

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2 years ago


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Almost every person goes to school in childhood to learn. Parents wishes for his kids to be a good & successful human in his life so they made their Maximum effort to provide him better environment. The school life always looks romantic and charming to have toddler feet and tiny bags with simple one book , pencil and copy.

Amjad_ Ali _Waince ( 1990)

If I count my school days as joyful , it will be a better choice to do so because my school days were awesome in my small village. The government primary school was situated very near to House . ( The private schools & institutions were not existing till that time ).

Thanks to @Molotov02 for initiating this topic with these questions about our school life . Let's go through the questions.

Did I ever skip a class?

I didn't remember that I ever skip the class without any solid reason. Actually from very bigning in our days of school there was no any concept to skip the class. And we have enough fear of our PT ( physical teacher) who always on round with his Bamboo stick to watch the movement of the students.

Has I cheated in exams?

In early days till class 8th I was a brilliant student of the class and stands always as monitor or CR in the class. Cheating was there by some boys but luckily I didn't fall in. In 9th class I got admission in high school then I met some high skilled cheaters who always bring new ways of cheating. But still I didn't try out except once or twice to check the methods only and it was successful experiment.

Has forged the signature of Dad?

My Dad was in Kuwait in my school times for job. My uncle ( brother of Mom) was look after me in studies and related things. He is the one who signed the things for me. I lived and studies in a village where people Normally know each other by Face & name. So when ever teacher need to verify anything , they send massage at home to meet them. Then from home normally dad's goes to school and met the teachers. So I didn't get chance for forged signature of any one. Yes in high school I did signature of my uncle at a notice regarding my class performance because uncle was in other city.

Made excuses not to going school or late from school?

As I told earlier that I was good enough student of the class so I never feel any pressure or fear on going to school. Excuses are part of school life and I too rarely made some due to homework and more on summer vacation homework which mostly I missed by neglence. But later I cover always near to exams.

Took part in school games?

Games start in our school from class four only. Under class four no students were allowed to take part in games. Actually that time only games were foot Ball , badminton, volleyball , jumping , running and kabaddi ( very near to wrestling). I was a active member of badminton team in school time. But when Pakistan wins world cup of cricket in 1992 , then every one turns towards the cricket game and I too becomes a cricketer.


Thanks for reading my childhood school life story. Like , upvote and comment for feedback.

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2 years ago


Ohh that's great life but in school I had skipped many classes when I was in my primary school after that I passed fifth class exams and shifted next classes I passed fifth class exam English subject with star* after I had decided to do my best then Alhamdullilah after that I had gotten 1st postion onward from class 8 to class 10th

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I never skipped classes too, i was so afraid to so thatπŸ˜‚

$ 0.03
2 years ago

There are many differences between past school life and current school life. Today's students have no interest in those games, although there is some interest in football and cricket.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Everyone is brilliant before entering in matric πŸ˜† but I am the one who is backbencher since my 1st standard πŸ˜†

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I skip my class before, and I'm always late, but I change now, haha, I'm a good student before because I don't want to cheat on exams.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Just like you have been monitoring your class till the eighth grade Similarly, I was the monitor of my class till 8th class and in 10th and 9th class I used to write the work on the white board.

$ 0.03
2 years ago