My First Ever Launch Pad Ride!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


We learn every day new things by others experience and by our own engagement. Learning can't be stopped till the end of life. Because knowledge has no limits and borders nor required special age group to understand.

Just couple of days before a post from @PVMihalache about the Step'n (GMT) project which was ready at launch pad to launch on Binance .

Screenshot from Binance launch pad

Step'n - GMT , A move-to-earn health and fitness application . It was 63th project under binance umbrella which successfully deployed on 9th of March. Thank you so much dear PVMihalache for valued recommendation.

It was my first ride on any launch pad. I was scared little bit and concious about my assets. But I believe in my capacity and decided to take part in GMT token launch pad. I transferred my BCH worth of only $105 as test run to my binance account.

My wallet

After receiving the amount , I converted my BCH into BnB as per requirement of the launch pad rules to take the snapshots of Wallets. It was necessary to award the share of subscription according to BnB available in account.

On date 9.03.22 the official launch date of GMT token , system allocated me only $76 in BnB to commit ( 75% of my BnB stock) . I commit the BnB and submit it for reward distribution share. It was locked for 2 days on initial price of GMT at 0.00002514 BnB or 0.01 USDT for each token.

After 3 hours of commit BnB the rewards starts and token officially released for trading at Binance with USDT , BnB , BTC pairs. The price went to 0.0006573 ( 2000% + ) in first hour of trading and then gradually touched to 0.0004382

Screenshot from Binance spot trading.

When price starts decline I sold my GMT at rate of 0.004245 with 1320% profit. Again I bought the GMT when it reached at 0.002834 and holding now as promotional campaign required to keep till 16.3.22 .

It is learn & trade promotion for a week where users need to took part in buy/ sell of GMT , after reading an article answer the questions asked in the quiz there.

Screenshot from Binance account

I successfully submitted the quiz will all correct answers and done the trade portion also .

Really I enjoyed in this all activity not only for earn a handy profit but happy to learn a new thing in my Life. This launch pad ride gave me a inspirational experience in cryptoverse which I completed without any assistance. A new way to explore the profit in my life.

What a wonderful Crypto world is !!


Thanks again @PVMihalache for your kind information and advise in post which becomes a source of learning for me.

Thank you so much all for your precious time to reading till here and share my happiness of learning & earnings.

Thanks to my all sponsors for their support and encouragement. Special thanks to @Roojoroojay for renewal of sponsorship.

Upvote , like & comment for feedback.

Lead image: ( modified)


$ 7.47
$ 7.00 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @PVMihalache
$ 0.06 from @Ling01
+ 7
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


The man who lives learns, said my grandfather. The only cryptocurrency I've ever made is on noise and I'm really sorry I don't know this job, where, I see, they make good money!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Do your best to publish an article on day by day interval. You will forget noise dot cash .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good for you for being able to join. I always miss the launchpad there as I don't check it all the time.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Seeing the success of traders, it seems that I also started. But as a student I don't want to take risks because all my income is spent on my studies. Anyway, congratulations sir and keep continue like this.👏 💪

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Crypto trading always risky. It can give to you more then expectations and we can lose even our own capital.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A rule of losing-winning crypto trading. But patience is essential.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks to you and thanks to sir PVM hoping to start this trading . Please do I need less than $100 to start or above

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It can be started by as low as you can.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I haven't tried this one yet, but happy to hear your experience. Wish you even more.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes it is a worthy thing and quick profit too . Easily can get x4 in a week after launching.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dust the stuff from Launchpad and grow the BNB to earn more next time... then repeat

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Sure I will keep more BnB in next project. Due to my first experience I did it as a experimental project. Thanks dear for everything. More power to you!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always commit all ... as only a small fraction is taken

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh that's good my friend. By using that you can earn more and also enjoy the time. Good luck for you.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Congratulations and this is worth sharing thanks to sir PVM for sharing and thanks to you for writing about it . May be it time for me to jump on this . Happy Friday

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Really it was a great opportunity shown by respected PVMIHALACHE .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually am not on binance so I don't have any knowledge about launchpad but seems like you take a profit from it congratulations 🎉🎊

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Catching up any project on launch pad always guaranteed for good profit. Because we can buy token on initial price.

$ 0.00
2 years ago