My Eid Day !!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Religious , social , traditional, ritual festivals are our pride and identity. A unique happiness , joyful gathering brings smiles on our faces. Cultural heritage reshape and reboots on these festivals. A massage of unity , love , brotherhood and care spread around. The lower layer of community also gets opportunity to be cheerful.

Eid is Almighty,s reward to those who obey his teachings and do fasting in month of Ramadan. Exactly same thing that a labour works while day and his Face charms with happiness when he gets the wage. The Muslims did fasting whole month and Eid Day is waging day for them. Almighty God bless them whatever they pray and as a thankful ceremony we offer prayer in open areas and in mosque , Islamic centers.


My Eid Day ( yesterday) went so blissfully that starts with fajar prayer and then we all include family went an open ground to pray Eid prayers. Women has separate arraignment under curtains to pray.

Here is ground where people coming to perform Eid prayer. Early morning 6.30 am the prayer ceremony held and around 7.00 am we were free from there. After Eid prayer we met each other , hugs , cheers by saying "Eid Mubarak" "Happy Eid " تقبل اللہ منا ومنکم".

On return we made some family snaps near olla square just for memories. The kids especially feels more excitement in such situation because they have more fantasy there. Here is my younger lil caresser with me in snap.


Eid Day is name of unity and peace so we always manage family lunch. Means my brother family , sisters and aunt all toghether sit in. Luckily is comes in my home most of the times. This Eid I arranged the lunch of whole family where mutton and chicken served with our traditional sweet Custured.

After lunch a gossips series took place and we share lot of topics. Kids remain busy in Thier games and activities. It was around 4 pm when families of brother and sister says goodbye to us and left to their homes.


It is my routine of every year that I visit our family village on Eid evening. Three reasons behind it , one my uncles living there and second my parents burries in grave yard of that village and third one is my childhood friends.

So 5 pm we ( family ) travel to our village which is just 7-8 km away from the city. We met our cousins , uncles , aunts and nieces. Really enjoyed the time with them . Then I met my childhood , early school friends there. Every one insist for some drinks and snacks .

I never forget to go graveyard to offer pray for my parents , teacher and other relatives who died and sleeping here in Graves.

We must visit these places which reminds us our last destination. I pray for them , spend some time with my Mom & Dad and comes out with grief counseling.

The dinner was arranged at our eldest uncle home . It was around 9.30 pm when we say goodbye to all members there , thanks them for hospitality. We drive back and reached home around 10.00 pm.

That is the story of my day of Eid. I wish everyone have blessings and love on this day with their families. Agains Happy Eid to everyone!!

Thank you so much for reading my Eid day story. Hope you also enjoy your festivals in same spirit. Like, upvote and leave comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Eid Mubarak To You Sir, yesterday beautiful and cool weather increase the happiness of eid and looking like you enjoyed a lot with your family stay happy and blessed

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I love my family you each pleased moment I try to celebrate with them. Actually the love and care in family allow us to communicate each other in good way. Kids accept the things in better way instead of anger , slapping or abusing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So the last picture is graveyard? It looks unique. Happy eid for u nd ur whole family

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes it is from graveyard. We keep bricks around the grave so in heavy rains water didt melt the sand to took away. Thanks for wishes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Due to heavy rains we could not enjoy this Eid like other years. I heard that the weather was bad in your country too.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It was slight thunder storm and rain in upper area near Kashmir but other regions remain pleasant.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Eid Mubarak dear brother you had good day with your family ☺️ exactly we must visit graveyard and pray for our dear ones who are no more with us

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It gives me lot of satisfaction whenever I go to my parents Graves. My soul cheer up on this meeting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Eid, dear brother. That was such a great time with the family. I wish I could experience that kind of reunion with my family as well.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Indeed Hermani family with strong bonds always source of satisfaction and happiness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

After fasting, Almighty God gave us this festival as a gift. It is a pleasure to hug each other after Eid prayers. You must have enjoyed visiting your village. Almighty God bless your parents in heaven. Spending time with your relatives strengthens the bond of love.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks my friend Tilawat for kind words and phrases.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maasyaa Allah. Happy Eid Mubarak. Greeting for your family from me in Indonesia. Taqabalallah Huminna Wa Minkum Barakallahu Fiikum, Aamiin.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Aamiin ! Yes , may Almighty Allah accept out good deeds .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You really had a great Eid day. It's really a day of unity and peace and As a Christian, I celebrate my Muslim Brothers. Thank God it was a success.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Religious festivals are big source of brotherhood between communities. I enjoy by wishing my friends on Christmas and holi , dewali .

$ 0.00
2 years ago