Modern Slavery!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


A life without own choices and decisions , speechless freedom and unconditional surrender to owner called slavenes. If we go through the history , Slavery can be found from ancient times.

In the dark era there were slaves markets where sell/ buy of slaves happend just like an animal market now a days. Then awareness came , religions shows the path of equality in human. People starts living free physically with own wish and will.

17th century is famous for colonial era when Western countries start ruling over other countries in Africa and Asia. Where ever they got chance they vaded the rulers by different ways. Trading was one of the weapon those days then poor management of rulers give them opportunity to get space.

Untill 19th century wherever they go , they destroy the libraries , local language literature , local traditional values. And create some elite class who inspired from them , follow them and ready to work as puppets. Untill now the generations of that puppets are in power and working for them . Most of our politicians are from those class.

Modern Slavery.

When world broke the chain of physical slavery in 19th century , they start to think how to control them mentally and how to waste Thier time in luxuries , unproductive things , how to weaker them in faith and contentment. And at government level that elite class already Serving them as they wants.


To keeping us under slavery they use loan as pressure tool. Loans then interest when we didn't pay back , they impose their agenda to do. Otherwise be ready for results. We can't say them" No" because beggars has no choice. This dept trap put us in Slavery as nations. We are physically independent but actually not.

Social incest:

They create social media to inforce their agenda and they succeeded because now every net user is paralyzed to their system. Slowly they reach in minds and leave a strong convenience massage about faith , culture , values and interactions. We are dipped in it without knowing it's effect.

Dark websites , porn videos , ethical teaching and literature destroying the youth and we are loosing our values. I can't deny the positive part of internet which giving us lot of learning but the pre adulthood age getting effected Worsley.


This social evilness kills our morality and ethics. Social media marketing pushing us towards greediness. The charm we see , wants to adopt as well. The greediness of wealth becoming hot cake through their agenda by cellphone apps , sites , missions and we almost every one is in the race which sure lead us to a weaker portion if not stands wisely.

Actuation & necessaries.

We falls in actuation more then the necessaries which is result of unrealistic , blind following of marketing. It is sign of mental slavery that we couldn't identify that what is our necessary and which not. They are spending billions to keep their doctrine alive and adopt most latest way of technology to achieve their targets.


The slavery will be continue till we will not be financial independent. Which requires a massive move across the nation. What is our part to live within our resources and keep our values intended. Use the media for positivity only , produce good leadership through our vote. We have to change ourselves first. If it done then change across no one can tie up.


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


People are slaves nowadays, they work and work thinking they are free but they earn money to pay taxes and loans, just a bit for food etc. Now modern slaves have to pay the aliments and the houses (that usually they aren't their property totally because they need a mortgages) but people don't want to admit it, they have cognitive dissonance or are in denial phase.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

People should realise the difference between necessaries and actuations. Then focus on necessaries never let us down.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It good to see you my friend after a long time trip . Your are definitely right " loans , greediness and so other things you listed are used as a threat to human " . Most especially loans whenever and individual borrows loans and doesn't pay back at time then he or she will be under the pressure of modern slavery . Nice analysis Sir

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks officialrosh1 for compliment. Yes loans are highest threat to nations and there supermacy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are independent in name only. We cannot enjoy our true freedom. And to get rid of this slavery we have to change ourselves.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks Sonali , agreed with you point of view.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The best-enslaved person is the one that believes it is free, but it isn't.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Exactly Francis! You are absolutely right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, brother. In my opinion, we are the ones who created this modern slavery.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We are slaves of our wishes and desires firstly. We should be very careful in it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I could choose a country to reside in where I had a lower probability of becoming a slave, I would move there if given the opportunity. This contemporary life makes our lives more unhappy and makes it difficult to go with the flow.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We can't change our native motherland but yes can choose wise leadership to recognise the value of our dignity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually modern slavery is ourselves who created it, for example by borrowing money from bank, then we will be slaves to bank as long as debt has not been paid off. Prestige is the main cause of modern slavery.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

When nations sarounded with depts then they can't make any policy their own .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

These very well highlighted and analyzed modern slavery are all true. I have people who are deeply in those nets. It really an everyones contribution to get rid of them

$ 0.03
2 years ago

These nets of slavery never easy to broke and get freedom. They even not care to kill anyone to complete the agenda.

$ 0.00
2 years ago