From The Heart Of The River!

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1 year ago
Topics: Visit, River, Trip, Memories, Experience, ...


Rivers are one of the biggest resources of the water for our life because we depend on its waters for irrigation of crops. My homeland has mainly agricultural producer where water of river is key in production.

But same time rivers gives us sea food especially fresh fish and shrimps. Also natural places for visitors to get good breathe in pour natural environment. Fishing , boating and camping are most attractive activities on river sides.

My kid's result of the class was excellent+ with 97% markes which announced on 28th of January and they wants treat from me. I decided to took them on river sides for enjoyment and fun. So we decided just before yesterday to go there. The nearest point of river is 125 km from my home. We took necessary things alnog with us like a soft sheet , water can , fruit, badminton, football, pillows and a stove. Pack everything in Car and within a hour we were there.

We reach on river by 1.00 pm . By parking the car on safe place we took out all our things, put on backs and came down from high banks of the river. After keeping the things on ground exactly near running water we took some rest because we travel around 800 meters with luggage to reach near the water. ( Why 800 meters? Because it is winter and the quantity of the waters in river in very low and flows in the middle of the area of river).

Amazing experience to touch the water of running river . It was cold , clear and sweet. We can't see any seafood from here but people bring the fishing tools to make fun also there and they made successful hunting. We eat some fruits, nuts , juices and smoothies there. Kids took the badminton racket and started playing there but it was difficult to handle it due to blowing breeze. After a hour we heads towards boating area.

Kids were so happy on boat but little one was so scared and loudly says " I know you bring me here to kill " " I will die today" and starts crying. Due to him we reduced our circle of boat and after half hour we landed back on hard surface. But what made me more worthy is some snaps which I captured from boat when we were in the heart of the river.

In last part of trip we cooked some fresh fish in side hut which made by local government for tourists.

Fresh fish of sweet water has unique and different taste then the fish of pounds & sea. It was more delicious, crunchy and Juicy.

It was a awesome short visit which went more precious when we reach back near to car where some honey Bee were busy in their jobs. It took almost 20 minutes to take a perfect snap which I was looking.

A memorable day ends at 8 pm when safely we reached home. A amazing experience and energetic boost to our mind by spending some time with family, kids. Natural environment and far away from social media made it more peaceful and relaxing.

A happy trip it was!!

Thank you being with me till here.

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1 year ago
Topics: Visit, River, Trip, Memories, Experience, ...


Congratulations to your kid's high marks. A good father are you taking them on a trip. All are rivers are frozen here, I look ahead to fun river adventures in the spring. I'm sure you all enjoyed your time by the water. Oh the fresh fish is the best to eat, sir. Especially when done soon after fishing. The feeling of fishing success is rewarded with good taste 😋 Take care and glad you had a great time.

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1 year ago