Finally Over !

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago
Topics: 2023, Memories, Life, Blogs


Another chapter of life going to close and the history tuning into new phase where 2022 becoming past exactly after 3 hours. The time flew so rapidly that couldn't count the ticric of needles. It is just seems the thing of yesterday when I joined here in January of this year.

A challenging year where lot of zigzags happend, lot of silly things I did especially in trade of Crypto. But still happy to have some wonderful friends around.

Time flowing like water in rivers with its own way and taste. It never stops and even not possible. If we look back in history how big empires were here on earth? How strong rulers were here ? How powerful governments were here? But with time all rise and went to trash.

I was reading the article of telesfor today where author also put this thinking that each thing has a certain time to begin and also has certain time to end. Both ends has some signs and people remains safe who learn to read the signs. Still some things happen with us which may be no one can predict or expect.

The year 2022 , last evening, ends and tomorrow, a new day in new year will be new thing for all . I wish everyone has great time with less hurdles. More peace, pleasure and joy to everyone.

Let's wellcome new era with more Stronger believe in ourself and more care to others. Wishing you Happy days ahead.

Some snaps of last evening of the year.



$ 1.01
$ 1.01 from @Coolmidwestguy
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago
Topics: 2023, Memories, Life, Blogs


Happy New Year's 🎉🎉 Let us make the best of the fresh new start

$ 0.10
1 year ago

Thanks Bob!! 🙌 Happy new year with lot of prayers to you.🎉🎉💞

$ 0.00
1 year ago