Fear and Phobia

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2 years ago
Topics: Psychology

Fears are part of our social life. We can't ignore this element. Fears has lot of kinds and shapes like Real danger fear , argumentative fear and fear phobia. Real danger fear like high wave of water , flood , darkness , earthquake , sudden accident etc and argumentative danger like ,may be this , may it happen , if it hit etc .


It is part of fear which remains ever with some personality. It can be a very small thing or bigger one . But if it captured place once then it is very difficult to get rid of from it . There are lot of phobias in different people but some are very common in every community.

Fear of wealth ( plutophobia)

Wealth brings happiness band joy normally but some people falls in fear of Losing. It happens not only with rich people only , Poorer can fall in it . All time they feel fear whenever some money goes out from their hands. They scared from this action mentally.

Fear of numbers (Arithmophobia).

It is most common in world that people falls in fear of number. For example in Europe people have fear of number 13. May we can't get any street number , House number , flat number 13. Why it happened? Not any verified reason but a belief that in Last Super total 13 people were at meal with prophet ( may God be pleased with him) when he was arrested. Same in Japan , the number 4 has phobia of fear . Samsung never brings any device model which has number 4 in series. Canon also follow this trend . Some people had phobia of 11 also especially in Sweden and Norway .

Fear of flowers ( Anthophobia)

Is it Very strange that some people has fear from flowers too . Even such cases are very low but yet it has existence in world. The victims don't want to listen the name even . The ultimate fear grips them when they listen the name.

Fear of rope (linonophobia)

Rope normally has shaped near to snake which cause such Phobia. Especially if once the victim gets fear from rope by understanding it a snake then it is quite possible that next time he falls in phobia.

Fear Of Open Stairs.

It is another kind in which a person can't walk on open Stairs. One of my friend has this phobia . He can't go up in any building where stairs are open Or have gap in steps. He is a adult married person but the fear gripped him badly to fall down from those gaps.

Fear of balloons (globophobia).

It is another very interesting thing that some people has fear from balloons especially mixed colour ones. They fear from inflat , sound and the size after air filled. They feel that it can kill some one .

Thank you so much for reading my script. Hope you get some interesting things in it .

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago
Topics: Psychology


Dont fear others on your life and learn from the things and life without any phobia. Consider a doc who is about to perform its first intravenous but his phobia is stoping and hesitating him to do so.

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2 years ago

I have fear of deep sea and spiders. I might feel anxious even just by thinking about it. I hope you would have more classifications of phobias in your articles.

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2 years ago

How interesting was your article, I didn't know the difference between phobia and fear, and I didn't know the true meaning of phobia, you explained very well, thank you...

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2 years ago