Farming of relationships!!

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2 years ago


It is proven theory that everything needs care and time to keep nourishing. It is not possible that metallic things or our emotional interactions live alive and safe without care. Each thing demands attention to look after.

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If we observe the farming system in agriculture, how a farmer prepare soil , fertile it , water it then put the seeds. After sowing he keeps watering , did pesticides to save it from different harmful insects. Use fertilizer to good growth and weight. When he woke up early morning , his first happiness comes by visiting the Fields of his crops. He feels proud on his efforts , struggle and hardwork when his crop ready to yields. Is it possible to get good crop without the care ?

Exactly same thing with our relationships. They require same attention as a farmer did for crops to put it greenish , healthy and prosperous to yield good fruit.


Make sure your availability for your relationships. Your visibility will give a charm , strength , ownership and good control over the bounds. Be with them physically and organically to keep them active. Be available in reach all the time to your relationship.

Adopt fully.

We can not live with half lemon half orange type relation. Slowly it will dry up and ends in black hole. So adopt the relationships fully and completely. Give it sovereignty , guarantee and adoption. Believe me that relationship will lasts long then others.

Acknowledge loudly.

This practice will vitalise the relationship. Appreciate in the people and advise when alone is simple formula to gain more trust and Dane time it will enhance the mutual respect. Time to time acknowledge your relationship loudly to water it, it will remain fresh and adorable.

Listen keenly.

Listening is big factor in strengthening the relationship. Give enough time to your beloved one , listen him what he want , what he expecting , what he has insufficient. You know , listening keenly is half solution of the problems. May this practice reduce your medical bill dramatically.

Be truthful.

Truth is key of lock in relationship. If you want to gain the trust in relationship , just go to truthfulness. What you are , have , do all put Infront honestly. The relationship base on truths never falls and can't harm anyone by backbiting .

Forgive Mostly.

Revenge in relationship is never good thing , it will spoil the roots of empathy and understanding. Forgiveness is best first aid tool in minor mistakes. It gives positive impact on partner as he feels ashamed even in itself. Practice to forgive each other which stimulate the love in relationship.

Amour anyway.

Our love shouldn't be seasonal only. What ever situation came , what ever circumstances arises , you must keep lovely gesture in mind. Staying loved will blast the bubble of arrogance and hate in no time.

Plum free.

Sharing is half Caring and it works like pain killer remedying. Because it is always painful when our partners come to know a thing from third person which we know before. It will hurt him badly. Keeps sharing and pluming free in relationship will alive it further more.


The grip to tighten up the strength of any relationship is in our own hands. These relationships are always precious and valued. The care , time , attention made them full of smiles and giggles. Oppositely ignorence , neglence and improper care spoil them with roughness and unutilised ways. If you want to look your relationship green forever with freshness , sacrifice your time.

Thank you so much for reading my creative effort. Like , upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

Can you add more elements to strengthen the relationship @Raheela @Lhes @ShameemS @qheer92 @Roojoroojay @Itsfarah @Zainab-15 @Shohana @CrazyWrites @Bibijani01 @Sajibb @Tilawat

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I think we should never leave a true relationship for a few faults.Nobody is perfect. Care,respect,attention,trust are essential ingredients in any relationship.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I agree, relationship should keep nourish in order to survive. Maybe just will add trust. We should not grasp our love one too tight. Let us trust in them.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes trust is bigger element in any relationship.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think you already have explained the term relationship very precisely and effectively. More ever there is a saying in desi homes that's, the fight among love one gives prevalence to everlasting relationships. For that it's ok if there comes an argue in any relationship. When there is misunderstanding in relationships we don't have to end up that relationship but instead of ending that relationship we have to sort out that problems that are making it doubtful.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Everything said here is absolutely correct. Truth, honesty, understanding, forgiveness, and loving even in difficult times are very important ingredients for a healthy relationship. We must take care to protect and nurture our relationships everyday.

I've heard it said that you praise in public and correct in private, and I agree with this as well. Sometimes in your relationships you may disagree, but you can handle that disagreement quietly and with love, and in so doing, you will nurture even more positivity.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Logic is keep your partner higher in front of others. Correction should be in loniness because it will not hurt his dignity and respect.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe all the main points you have poured here, I think the main key in friendship is forgiveness and honesty, both will complement each other to make a very strong friendship.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes qheer92 , honesty is first brick in the building of relationship.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Although you not mentioned me but I surely will write about it. I am good in understanding this relationship. You picked all the good factors that can make friendship bond weak or strong. Thank you brother for such type of article with full zeal and zest.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Really I forget it !! Hope I will remember it Next. Mentioned some random users only.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is fine Amjad brother, I am just kidding. Thanks for always your motivational response to me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right about the relationship it's necessary to make a beautiful relationship with care attention and truth because these are the roots of a good relationship

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks mr-grenade for staying by.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have all the essential that helps true friendships grow. Trust and support is also consider very important to make it strong

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I think it's important to forgive each other in relationships because mistakes happen to everyone. I would like to add to your article the headline that relationships can never be broken if we show patience in matters of relationships. Because patience plays the role of a rope that always binds beautiful bonds like relationships. Patience keeps relationships strong and enduring. And besides patience, trust keeps relationships fresh. Thanks for the excellent article!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Forgiveness and patience both are key factor in strengthening of relationship. Thank you so much Tilawat for your words.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed our relationship requires the proper attention and care & if we didn't give the proper time to them it will die

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks Roojoroojay for comment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sir you have pretty much covered each and everything in a very beautiful way. But still if you ask me, then I would say one thing out of my Personal experience that we should stop expecting perfections from the other person. Obviously he or she is human and every human has flaws. Some flaws are natural and some get incorporated in your habits with the passage of time. So we must accept the other person with all flaws rather than criticizing all the time in a way that might end up in breaking the relationship.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Exactly Raheela Sis , no one is perfect and it will be foolishness to expect perfection from anyone. Good point added!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sir

$ 0.03
2 years ago