Clean the mirror for better view.

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If a mirror is full of scratches or dust what view will reflect from it , sure not clear one. We will get dullness view untill we didn't clean it , replace it. Same thing applies on our real life and experience the reality. Every one wants a good peaceful and happy life but didn't work for it. Some time he works a lot but with wrong approach and he couldn't able to identify the right thing for him. So if we remove the dust of greediness , wealth , lying and everything for me , then we can't realise the actual beauty of our life.

We should be very optimistic about our living. Our choices should be limited and wishes under chains. What we can excerise to look ourselves and our life better , here some points to add.

Don't sacrifice your present.

Most of us falls in collecting more and more. We forget our today's life for tomorrow which we never know how it will be. I always add the example of birds where they live day's life and for next day they believe on destiny. But we as , human , wants to took over control of tomorrow which is not possible. If we start to live in present and for present , our view about world will be changed. Don't kill your today , live it with your best presence.

Don't excuse and keep things for tomorrow.

Any person who didn't have a planned life , always will be in excuses which never a habit of brave people.prepare to do list and follow it strictly because well planned day will save your time for yourself. Excuses always made us lazy , cowered and devalued. All these things will never lead us to look a better view of world.

Reserve your privacy.

Every thing we can't say to everyone. Make your chest a strong locker where you can keep your secret. Because some things looks better untill behind the curtains otherwise it can bring embarrassed moments for us so Don't give chance to people laugh at you.

Eliminate fear.

Fear is biggest dust layer on the mirror of our life. We can't move forward until we didn't eliminate it from our life. Fear control our nerves and decision making power. It captured our emotions and drag down our motivation. Try by small steps to comes out from fear because at once it is not possible. Revise the proverb for many time that yes I can do it. Keep the hope of light on the end of tunnel.

Thanks for reading my thoughts of the day. The month of May going to end today , let's keep Positivity that June will be better then this one.

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You are right everyone wants a good life here but they don't want to work for it. We should be sincere with our life. We can only get the things which we can bow. Your article is just amazing. keep it up.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Agreed brother but sincerely living is becoming dream now a days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What a topic full of meanings, I will do my article on this topic, it's the kind of issue I like to deal with in writing.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I believe that you can define the title in better way and can do justice to it. Thanks Fexonice for compliment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly we should have some secret secure in our heart. It's might be about someone else or about us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's what are religion teaches us too. In the quest of better future, we waste our today's life and the irony is we are never sure that will we be alive tomorrow or not. Isn't is ironic we are struggling for something that we are not sure about?

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We should eliminate fear first before start of any adventure. I agreed we should be limited version of life in case of desires. It is too bad when we sacrifice our present for someone. We should run smoothly till we find what we dreamed for. Thanks brother for writing beautiful words for us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I can feel the deep words which you use in your title. If we can fresh ourselves than we can get heaven as a gift from our creator ALLAH.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks Shawon !!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I liked the title because it saying thousand words itself. Yes you are right that we should be optimistic to our life.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I could not do the justice with title due to intruption of electricity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago