Are We In Next Bull Run.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago
Topics: Cryptonews, BTC, Analysis, BCH

The history of Bitcoin since last 13 years that averagely it ruled the market as bull run 2.35x times in bul market cycle after at zero bottom.

Sehag Singh is working as associate broker in Pantera capital, A well known specialized Crypto investment firm, published weekly report where the authors unanimously agreed that we are in 7th bull run cycle.

According to the report, they studied last 10 years data, bear and bull cycles , which indicates that we are now in bull run period. They added that " highest lows has been witnessed when the bear time from Nov 2021 to end of 2022 when BTC touched its lows. The continued decline of BTC and market proves that highest profit time has been arrived

The genuine theme and claim of Crypto become truth as free decentralised monetary system. The dream of Satoshi is almost getting true promise. To keep innovative, attractive and degradation most of companies are in rebuilding phase. The last year's scams are enough to learn.

Crypto winter is almost over and Blockchain technology is ready to change the monetary system of the world. The current scenario going to melt in web3 , Artificial intelligence, metaverse and Crypto. We are at starting point for 7th bull run after 6 bear cycles. Next month or month and half are very important and we will see lot of new blocks emerges in joint venture.



Note: This article published on publish0x also .

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago
Topics: Cryptonews, BTC, Analysis, BCH


Maybe the bulls are preparing for the bull run. Or might drop big time finding the bottom of the bottom before the real bull run is back

$ 0.00
1 year ago

in a next few days, months or maybe a this year there is a better value for BTC as well as in BCh

$ 0.00
1 year ago