Accepting Influence without protest.

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2 years ago


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It is the history of mankind that we accept the influence of things , words , time and skills. We adopt it slowly then gradually falls in it unconsciously deeper where any other choice becomes forbidden or at least unwanted. It depends how much time we live under that influence and how much we follow practically.

In our society especially in Pakistan , India and Bangladesh the normal people spending the Life under a influence umbrella. Now influence has different shapes with attached properties. Let's see what kind of influence we adopt and tolerate

Political influence.

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We have political icons and their parties system. The ownership of that parties coming in one family generation after generation. They are mostly corrupt but still they have influence on the minds of people. People accept their every thing as trustworthy and has firm belief that only our leadership is best. The interesting thing is no one has interest in their menifisto or vision. But just blindly has followeship . This political influence palsies the people without Thier own thinking.

Religious influence.

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Due to illiteracy we caught the doors of unauthenticated saints which puts us in denomination and the magic of words puts in subconscious to people that only they are our well-wishers. These partition of denominations made us a shattered nation in ethnic groups. We never agree to listen other one even he is right because we accepted the influence without any protest by our unpractical redeemers of religion. Muslims , Hindu , Sikh and other minorities has great influence by their scholars.

Social Status & economic influence.

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Wealth remains sign of power from very bigning. Our societies are divided clearly into social status lines. Poor , middle class , rich , elite class and VIP. The last three categories has only 10% of population but they has influence over remaining 90% people. The only possible thing to brake this influence is financial empowerment. If any one gets it , he broke the cage and flew out but remaining are still prisoned.

Traditional & ritual influence

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The society is bounded under strict traditional and ritual influence of families , casts , tribes and groups. Even some try to brake up these ties , it is impossible for him/her . Just as example , a girl can't be married except own cast , tribe . It is imposed to everyone without any protest.

This influence is big hurdle in progress and unity as a nation at international scenerio. Then the international big bulls also has their own interests to keep people into groups which ease their work to engage them by aiding , funding and conveniencing. The only solution to cones out from these influences is financial stability and independence which Crypto can give to everyone.


Thank you so much for your kind consideration and time. Thanks to my lovely sponsors for their support.

All images taken from unsplash.

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$ 5.09
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


No doubt there are so many rituals and things we have adopted from our neighboring countries, without protesting against anything. But we should first try to know what is positive and good for us.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

If we could differentiate the good & bad then no problem account but blind following causing the damage of our own ritual Values.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have said excellent and true things about these three countries. At present there is a lot of rioting in our country on political issues. But the effects are usually on the people - which is very difficult to bear.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Unfortunately our leadership didn't care about it . They look always their own seat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In a nutshell, the world that we're living is a proof of influenced. A lot of things are being influenced with so much things and that you mentioned my friend are some of it. Even the choiced the way that we are living is influenced by so many things. Anyway, love these thoughts that you have shared.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I think it is natural phenomena about adopting the influence with us. We inspired quickly and got influenced.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree my friend. With that, since we're influenced too quickly, we should filter out things, we should only be influenced by positive things that's going on around, and stay away from the negative influence in this world that we are living.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We have a lot of influence, while we exist we are influenced.

$ 0.03
2 years ago