Accept the change!!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Human always hesitate to adopt any new thing which going to broke his routine and used to activity. But still the history is full of acceptance and adoption. Some pick it earlier and become the roll model for others and some stays happy by copying others.

Change is never easy in any form because it can modify your lifestyle, habits and routines which initially we don't want. We want to live happy within our resources and potential and Don't want to explore any new experiment.

I remember that in 2001 my concern ( in Saudi Arabia) planned to change the manual invoicing system into digital printing ones. They hire a firm "Merinah I.T " to develop a sales , marketing and finance software. It was in the mid of the year when first batch of HHC ( Hand Held Computer) arrive. After a short training we give to our salesmen to punch the invoices by entering codes , quantity in it. What a big drama happen with us in first week that no salesman was ready to give up manual book and accept the computerized system.

The sales manager Mr.Jerry Beraki (Eritrean) did lot of meetings with sales team and after a tiring efforts people mentally prepared to use these HHC. Then a year later once HHC system went down due to internet service haulted by fiber optical system. No salesman was ready to use manual invoicing for one day.

Another incident happened when company introduce the back jecklift in vehicles. It was very helpful to sales team for unloading the product from sales van but every one argued for its usage but at last Mr. Larry Stafford ( Logistic manager) , an Irish, forcefully installed these back jecks. When people use it then no one was agree to uninstall it. (Logistics promise that if it is not good anyone can uninstall after one month).

These two examples I write here according to my experience because I was the member of that sakes and marketing team who introduced these changes in the company to made transperant sales with accurate data base of actual sales and to go for easing business for the team.

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Exactly same thing happening now for Crypto in my country. Our officials are hesitating to accept the change. Crypto is reality and has power to sustainable backup. Ukraine can't fight with Russia till months if it didn't have Crypto reserves. Big bulls can seized the assets in banks or foreign countries but can't seize the crypto due to its decentralised technology. Crypto giving Ukraine a sustainable backup to keep resistance with Russia.

Pakistan and other countries should accept the change in digital currency & Crypto as soon possible. Yes they must introduce some regulations, laws , restrictions, taxes to keep monitoring their financial interest and share but it is not acceptable to ignore it blindly. As Russia doing now , latest news is Russia started its oil sales against Crypto to Qazikstan & Turkey. We should go with the nations & countries with modernity and integrity.

Thank you so much for reading my thoughts in term of accepting the changes. Like , upvote and leave a comment to know your thoughts.

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$ 2.40
$ 2.12 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.05 from @TheGuy
+ 9
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Hey, friend, sorry to ask you. Did you happen to make a withdrawal from NEXTERA? I saw on my affiliate dashboard that you made a deposit.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

When my withdrawal amount reached to 10 , I try to submit the request but system ask for a deposit. So to know the reality of project I submit 20 . But after 4 hours of deposit they approve my withdrawal of 10 and reached in my outer wallet. Now I have 40 in investment. Withdrawal happening successfully.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to know that, I will deposit today and make a withdrawal

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Change is the law of nature, and cryptocurrency and digital marketing is the future of the world.So government should accept cryptocurrency and regulate it properly.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Change is the only constant thing in this world yet we are always caught unprepared by it. We should embrace it at the same time learn the process to cope with it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It has no doubt, first change is difficult to adopt but when we implement it it gives more benefacial effects. I hope crypto regulations will happen in your country soon.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes, change is not always bad, sometimes it becomes life-changing for sure. we should accept change as you explained according to your experience in Saudi Arabia.

I don't think out the country will allow crypto here lol

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Change is constant and people should always be ready to bend with the wind of change. Though it is always challenging, trying to leave had you are conversant with just to start using what you don't know, just like cryptocurrency, the first day I was introduced to it, I felt it will be stressful, but today am enjoying it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Good article 💯💯

$ 0.00
2 years ago