A cat walk!!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Life is all about a walk which starts from one step and last till last step. Millions of steps we took between this space and can't resist in the end. Catwalk normally used in fashion industry where lot of models walk on ramp with latest design wearing and with attractive styles.

I am a nature lover and my cat walk starts from my morning prayers. One thing I want to add here that start doing interest , show your care and adopt it well whatever you have with you and in your sorroundings. Almighty God send us in that environment with related characteristics. And if we start loving things around us believe me the world will be more beautiful for us.

That is first thing I do in my catwalk that I fill the pot with water for my sorrounding guests (birds) especially in Summer. I love to see them filling their beaks with drop of water. Can you believe that birds also carry water droplets in beak for their infants which can't fly yet. I noticed this amazing experience when I follow a sparrow from pot to tree till her nest.

Not only birds , some flying insects also visit that point to fill the thirst. I sit on a chair bear by and feel pleasure to look at these insects.

I will advise my fellows that please stop blaming to your destiny , luck or hurdles. It is quite possible that you can remove the hurdles and abstracts by your own will. Pebbles in the way are not bigger , our feelings make them such. We should be ready to face such pebbles and remove them. I took this photo while in second part of my catwalk as morning walk.

Accept the things with positive mindset and attitude. Always keep bright aspect of the things in mind which will allow you to accept it. Narrow minded , lazi hands , dying eyes and boring attitude can't help you to hold the opportunity. Stop dreaming about unrealistic expectations and be happy what you have in your pocket.

Every one can easily sit on bed of luxury but real joy is stick in pine's pillow with happiness. Look around you ,find cheerable things and hug them. Your motivational spirit will be sky touching and self development boosts.

My catwalk continue from home to park , a circle of gem ring and then back to home and I feel much comfertable in it because I never falls in "more". I try to be happy within my resources and atmospheric value. I can't reach Paris, manila or logos to see the world beauty but yes I can go whatever reachable to me. Why I waste my time in thinking , dreaming about non reachable.

So live & love to your reachables. Either relationships or geographical areas. Search satisfaction and adorable beauty from them , made it at acceptance level. My catwalk ends now on ramp of my sorroundings which is quite adorable , fragrant and pleased. I love it!!

Thanks for reading about my cat walk early morning. Like , upvote and comment for feedback and to know your thoughts.

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All photos are mine and taken by my cellphone.

Lead image: Pixabay ( modified)


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I will try to take a cat walk too. I like where you said although you might not be able to visit Paris now yet you can explore within your environment

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to know that tou are also a nature lover just like me. And it's good that you put water bowl for birds and flying insect. Allah will give you reward for this kind act 🥰❤️

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So thoughtful of you to fill pots with water specially in this hot weather for birds. I enjoyed this article of yours thoroughly because I my self am a nature lover and those pictures are so soothing for mind and heart.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Appreciating nature and also helping to preserve nature is a good thing as I just deduced from your article. We need to work very hard to make it worth it. I will also start my own catwalk very soon.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We should make nature more beautiful even we have to do catwalk or chain walk for this purpose. I appreciated you brother, your content is always positive with positive message to people.

$ 0.03
2 years ago