A Burning Life

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


The life going more tougher as energy crises climbing up around the globe. USA, European Union and central Africa suffering from melting economy and high inflation rate. Ukraine - Russia war made it more worst.The ghost of poverty ready to digest more people from middle class because lower class is already under its paws.

We have three slabs to pay wages of workers. Daily, weekly and monthly payments giving to the staff and other workers. Most of construction line contractors paying to masons, labourer, shuttering carpenters , steel fixers and loaders on weekly basis. A routine of payments on each Thursday because they have Friday off.

Day before yesterday I was on my store when a well known Mason came to buy some food items. It was around 7.00 pm and I just asked him why you get late today. He replied " First of all contractor paid us weekly payment very late. Then I stopped by more then three vendors to buy some fruit for my kids but I couldn't"

His eyes were wet and he continued " it is my practice that when I get my wage on Thursday, I must purchase some sweet or fruit for my kids but today I couldn't buy due to high prices. Then my electricity bill is 10 times higher then last year, fuel price touching to 220 PKR/ ltr and other accumudities are out of reach too. Today I am going back to home with 2 kg sweet potatoes ( cheapest in market) for my kids.

After he left away , I was thinking about his feelings which were so terrible that when a father could not fulfill a small happiness of his kids due to inflation what happened when he face his family. What expectations of his kids and what will be their faces when they found father with empty pockets. So shrinking!!

The inflation put us on that stage where our life started burning, a life of common man which has no any end in near future.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


May we all get out of this inflation period. It seems never ending and I wonder if it will become a new norm. I hope not!!

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1 year ago