Some of the greatest Scientific Achievement of the last 50 years

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3 years ago

There are nothing that piques the interest of the Human being quite. As much as thr prospect of the living to a longer life. A perposon with a heart step was and exextra ordinary step towards increasing to thr first to implied and artificial heart intended to last a lifetime.

One day,more production version of artificial organs will likely allow us to live much longer and mire production lives.when we get there, we will lot to the robot. In the artificial heart.

The personal computer:today,we take to granted that we have one machine that allows us to access the internet, do word procession, us to the computer in the begging achievement to the computer in the society of the social judge to the prepared to the impeachment that the solution to the computer in the Against to the personal matter that the impeachment of our country in the Kachin of the rhe era to the compute.

@sanctuary.the-one-lawmmunication satellite:people on earth may take for granted high teach words of cell phones gps and the satellites high above the planned thatvmakr instant commcommunication, one this day the tetelstar satellite commencedvitd journey in to space and become the first ever active communication satellite. It carried thr first live trans Atlantic tv broadcasts. Telstar was built by a team at bell telephone incorporate many innovation such as thr tv channel from and egg - shaped orbit.todayvwe use satellited for gps, tv, radio weather global communication among others things.

Cell phones: phones have been around the late 1800s, nut cell phones made their appearance only in thr by some estimates more Than 1000 million people to the 4.6 billion people worldwide one the countries in the society of the business to the communication the invest meat to the community in the social inviroment of the judgement.

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3 years ago


While the initial discovery of penicillin in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming and further antibiotic discoveries that were made in the 1940s, all medical application and further development of antibiotics reached the golden spot in 1960’s. This has resulted in a dramatic decline in death rates and serious illness arising from infection.

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3 years ago