What A Weird Week

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2 years ago

Good evening to y'all out here, first off am sorry for not being active for a whole day... Truth be told I have been busy with some personal Stuff so I wasn't chanced....

It has been a weird, funny and a strange week for me coz a lot of things did happen this week so Iets talk about the weird one first...

The Weird Part

So it was towards evening and I was outside watching the vehicles that we're passing, suddenly we saw a van with the back lock open and some good we're falling out and it turned out to be drinks....

So we hurriedly screamed and tried to stop them but as soon as they saw us they added more speed and ran way, we we're kinda confused and first what we did was to pack all the drinks and keep them at the front of our office just Incase they come back....

We waited for over 40mins and we were still hoping to see them again but then a friend of ours came around and he asked how we got the drinks, so we explained to him and he told us they were never coming back.... We were confused and we asked him why??

He then said they thought we were among the task force in the street, so they ran without hesitating or thinking twice... It makes sense now coz we come to realize that when we stopped them they heard us calling but the ignored and put the pedal to the medal...

What Do We Do With The Goods?!!

A man then said we should split it within ourselves, so they begin picking the ones they'd take and it was kinda strange to me coz I still feel pity for them loosing that much goods...

So I then had a second thought, " What if they come back for it?? " I know it might seem impossible but what if???....

Well its time to face reality, I took mine and I couldn't stop looking at it coz I didn't work for it so its kinda like an unwanted blessing....

I wouldn't love to say what I did to mine lol but truth be told I didn't drink it but rather I *******************..... Hehe don't mind me for making that part confusing, that's actually all that happened in the bad part now let's move over to the funny one...

The Funny Part

Lol this one might also seem funny to you too lol, so lately my heart and my time are two things I stopped giving to girls.. Don't mind me I can give you my time if its money related lol, so lately its been over 2years since I got in a relationship and am not bothered about it but it has come to affect me in some way...

Like I don't find any girl attractive, kinda like my heart has been frozen and I think and I feel there is no one to unfreeze it for now... I keep ignoring some little feelings that I begin to develop for some certain people and it keeps working out for me not until I saw someone I couldn't stop thinking about....

it was about a month ago when we first saw each other and trust me it was kinda like those Bollywood movies that the guy and the girl won't stop looking at themselves πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...

She walked pass my office to get food from the restaurant close to me, i was blinded by her beauty and it dragged my attention so much that I didn't go back inside the office I was waiting for her to pass so I can see her face again....


She passed and noticed I was staring at her so she turned and smiled, I tried denying myself of developing any feeling for her so I hurriedly went back into my office so I won't know where she was heading to..

To cut long story short after some days I did forget about her but my heart was still troubled and I wish I could see her one more time, a voice in my head was telling me to go out that she might pass at ant minute... I went outside and I did see her lol, I think we were feeling the same way to each other due to her body language and expression....

So she was thinking am gonna walk up to her coz she stopped right in front of my office, I ignored and I wanted to prove to my self that I was better off alone and I did.. So it took about 2 weeks without seeing her and I did get my mind off her but the weird part is that I keep seeing her in my dreams 😲😲....

Within the past 4nights I do see her in my dreams and I just don't know why and what's the reason behind this??? Or maybe I should stop being selfish and walk up to her??? Hmmm its kinda strange to me so what are your advice coz its kinda funny to me....

The Strange Part

Ok here is the strange part, I have been getting So many calls from strange people I don't even know and before I could ask who the person was they'd definitely hang up... If I tried calling them back it keeps saying number does not exist lol....

Isn't that strange???

  • Lol thanks for reading y'all should have a great weekend..... TGIF

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2 years ago


Wow. It's the strange part for meπŸ˜‚. Also, I remember one time I was traveling to Imo State so a trailer with a lot of trophy passed by. Their trophy beer began to fall one by one but they didn't even look back to pick it. Seems they're getting their money from somewhere 😁😁

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2 years ago