What A Busy And Stressful Monday ( New Week )

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2 years ago
Topics: Busy Monday
  • Hey hello guys, happy new week to you all out here sorry this article came late.. Hope you guys enjoyed your day??

It has been a busy day for me and I just can't talk about everything because am so damn tired....

We have been working for a complete week now and its kinda like a endless job because I and my boss have been working and it doesn't seem like they is any progress due to how stressful it is๐Ÿ˜‚...

Though we are at the bright side, we were given 600 shirts and so far we have 143 left before we'd take our time and have a good rest, while working we didn't bother cleaning the office because we actually don't have the time to do so...

Sorry it seems blur, I was actually far from it so I had to zoom in... It Says:

  • Live By Time, Have A Target, And Anything You Do Should Be Timed..

And The Second One Is:

  • Don't Over Think It, Don't Over Work It, Keep It Simple!!!

So here is the thing, "Live By Time, Have A Target, Anything You Do Should Be Timed"...

Times waits for no one and we do need to spend it wisely because it can never be gotten back...

I and my boss work with time, and once we have a target we always meet up to it.. Am not trying to brag about it but ever since we have been working together we have never disappointed any client...

We always meet up to our target even if it requires sleepless night and starvation, let's head back to the story...

where was I?? Ooh yea its about the clean up, so we have about 143 shirts left and we have only two days left to deliver it to our client... Well two days isn't a problem coz we will definitely get it done no matter what it cost...

So after we woke up this morning we both suggested a clean up, its been over a week since we cleaned the warehouse where we work due to how often we keep working...

So the clean up was to take care of the place, after sweeping I'd mop the floor and we will arrange the studio where he does his paintings, sort most paintings out and keep them in the right place where they should be....

And so I started the clean up by arranging this place, I separated the useful ones from the ones we no longer needed and I packed them together and dumped them into our trash bag, i kept the useful materials safe and i decided to cleaned the room with rags and I swept the floor...

After sweeping and cleaning I then realized that the place was filled with dust, my hands were totally dirty so I had to go wash them up almost every 10mins....

So we headed to his studio, after bringing out all the paintings i then decided to mop the place so we can return everything back in once the place gets dry..

So after emptying the place I couldn't endure the dust anymore so I had to go get my mask on before doing any other thing...

Before And After Image Down Below


The place seems dirty right?? But you don't have to blame us because we have been busy and we didn't bother doing the right thing, it took me over 9mins to take care of the place and I took my time and cleaned it well...


Don't mind the blue paint on the floor, its been there for years though it doesn't seem permanent...

So after the cleaning we then decide to take care of the passage that led to his studio, they were lots of works at the passage and its been over half a year and we still haven't kept them in the appropriate place.. So we removed them from the passage and sent them to the studio...

Before And After Image Down Below


You could see how untidy the place looks, I removed all the paintings from here and I sent them into the studio "The Last Door By The Left Corner"....


So after emptying the place we both had a wonderful moment together because we both get to see one of his old personal paintings that he did years ago...

So here are some of the paintings, but beware I didn't take a perfect shot coz I was so damn busy with other chores...

Old Personal Paintings

This is an old personal Painting he did some years ago, though they was thus series of work he did and they were all in the same pattern and it does have the wood effect... Its called woodyzim

So sad I couldn't take photos of all of them due to how busy we were... So after 5 hours of cleaning the whole place we decided to rest and I was already having pains all over my body, after resting for a while we decided to get something to eat before we go back to our shirt work...

We work with time so we had to leave the house cleaning, though we didn't take care of some places...

Our trash bags were filled with dirt and we intend on taking them to the dump later in the night..

At first only one trash bag was filled but hours later we had to bring in more trash bags ๐Ÿ˜ฎ...

So two more bags were added and we didn't bother taking care of the storage room because we knew its gonna take some time so we left it and we headed back to work...

So this is all for now guys, thanks for reading....

$ 0.85
$ 0.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Ellawrites
$ 0.01 from @Captainkay
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Avatar for Amback_forgood
2 years ago
Topics: Busy Monday


With the pictures have seen above You did a lot of work...Impressive ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hey thanks man... It did took some time before everything was set

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i really liked your article and your story everything requires labor, I hope you will get the reward for your labor

$ 0.00
2 years ago