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2 years ago

Hey fellas as it was been said in my previous article, am gonna be publishing this before the end of the week and am glad I could take my time and write this....

Hope y'all are ready for this?? Buckle up coz the party has already started....

  • TTT

What do you have in mind when you see this 3 T??? Well don't think too far it simply means Things Take Time...

I have come to realize that the TTT has different meanings in it, first it simply means Things Take Time...

But if you understand the term you'd know how to interpret it in different ways...

I have come to realize that not everyone knows about this, and if they do most people wouldn't have ended up in a bad spot....

Don't Be Faster Than Your Shadow: most people lack impatience and because of that they end up stealing or doing something terrible that will make them regret for the rest of their life....

Things might be stormy for you now but trust me you'd definitely experience the sun, but its only going to take one thing and that is Time...

If you believe in your self trust me things will definitely go as planned, keep your head up and face your target and don't relent in any way....

Peer pressure

For me I believe peer pressure is a disease and its slowly eating most people up, its one of the reason why most people go astray coz they feel life is a competition but the truth is its actually not a competition coz we all have a different track to run our race....

I know a lot of good friends that just couldn't wait for their own time to come coz they see their friends buying cars, wearing flashy things and all the rest so they think they are being left behind and they took their destiny upon themselves but most times it back fires and they end up with regretting their silly act and I believe by then its already too late for them....

Imagine being sentenced to a life imprisonment??? That's the worst penalty ever, I have once read a story of a young boy called kelvin who was being led to do bad things due to peer pressure..

A young man then advised kelvin but still he didn't listen and he kept following bad gang and what they do is steal from people...

After stealing their phones and every other reasonable item they resell it to a friend who buys the stolen item, they kept doing such for months until they decided to boost things up...

One of them suggested they should steal a car, and it seem to be a better idea coz they know the payout would be huge...

So they all went out during the night and they saw a ride that dragged their attention so what they did was slowly walk up to ride, the owner of the car was inside of it so beat him up and collected the keys and his phone...

Little did they know that someone actually saw them when they we're robbing the innocent man, they noticed that they were being seen by a young man and they chased after him coz they know they will be exposed if he reported them to the police...

They chased him and caught up to him, he was being tied and they knew the only option was to kill him else they are going to get exposed, the innocent little boy cried and begged for his life but they insist...

So kelvins gang member forced him to do the killing himself, he insisted and said he would want the boys blood to be on his hands... They forced him by saying its either he kill the innocent boy or they will have to kill them both...

He had no other option than to kill the young man, but he never knew that was going to be the worst mistake of his life.. Little did he know that there was a third part spy, someone else saw him when he took the life of the young boy...

He was filled with regret and he began to question himself for doing so, he knew he had no other option and there was no going back and its kinda like a dead end for him...

The following day the guy who made the 3rd party spy reported to the police and while he was reporting he said he could spot the killer so they kept searching around the area....

About 3days later they sold the car for a huge amount of money and they we're planning on leaving the environment that they are living in, they never knew the cops have been searching every where for them...

Luckily the 3rd party spy saw him and his friends when they were about to catch a train and he alerted the police, the police arrived and they we're on the chase to cut the long story short kelvin was the only one that was being caught...

His friends successfully escaped and they left him behind and they we're never to be found, he was taken to the police station and he was being charged for murder... The case was taken to court and they showed him mercy by giving him a life imprisonment...

The End........!!!!!

Closing Thought

Gods time is the best, don't compete with anyone coz we aren't built the same...

Keep praying while you hustle and trust me everything is gonna be alright coz a patient dog eats the fattest bone, no matter what you do in life don't forget the three T....

TTT ( Things Take Time )....

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$ 0.03 from @Amazing-grace
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Avatar for Amback_forgood
2 years ago


Ahh, firstly greed is curse and secondly bad company is way to huge disaster. Poor innocent guy who killed just by seeing them doing the Robery. Feeling bad for him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Want something? Work for it. Cool reads, Amback! Welcome to and nice to meet you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Its nice meeting you too😇

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need to have the mindset that good things come with hardwork and patience,peer pressure has made many people do thing's that didn't want to do and at the latter end they regret the actions they took.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Peer pressure is the worst, it made a friend of mine did something he'd regret for the rest of his life but I wish him luck

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right brother. Had Kelvin being patient, then he wouldn't have ended his life in prison. Things take time, rome wasn't built in a day. Fantastic write-up and a fantastic story to match. Nice to meet you

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Lol I love the word Rome wasn't built in a day lol.... Nice meeting you too friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like my dad used to say, good things in life never come easy. You have to be ready to put in the necessary work.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Aah I wish I added this quote to the article it would be more unique... Those are wise words buddy hard work can get us anything we want

$ 0.00
2 years ago