Things I Do With My Free Time

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2 years ago
  • Happy New Week To Everyone Out Here, Its Been A Stressful Day For Me And Now I Think Am Gonna Keep Giving A One Day Interval Before Posting Another Article Till The End Of The Month, Wonder Why?? Well I Think Am Gonna Talk More About That On My Next Article Or Maybe Am Gonna Emphasize About That In Any Of My Article Before The Month Runs Out....

After a horrifying five days of working non stop I have finally had this whole week for me and myself because its a free week for me lol...

Since this week it has been the same routine and it seems its gonna be the same till the end of the week, its all about eating, sleeping, going out, coming back after some time then sleep again lol....

  • But what do I do over the weekend though, I mean with all the free time I have I can do anything I like and go any where I want to but am an introvert so am always indoors...

Well for starters am a good cook though but only I can eat my food😂 yea you heard me right because we all have different tastes.. I love assisting my sis with her baking stuff, then on Saturdays am a gardener lol I do help some friends with gardening... Just a normal tomatoes and lettuce type of garden, am sure you know what I mean....

Listening to music is also a part of my thing and I can't a stay without listening to music, from Hip hop to RnB to Rock...

Am also a dance lover but I barely show that part of me lol and its kinda like an indoor thing lol...

Sometimes I love to imagine myself writing stories in my free time ranging from fantasy stories, romance, suspense horror......

I'm much of an artist but I'll need to point out that I was born with a paint brush😅.. I draw large landscapes on a white piece of paper, I draw the blue sky or I just look at a picture and try to replicate it as much as I can but lately I don't have that energy in me anymore so I barely draw..

Now This Is My Favorite Hobby

Am a game lover and an addict, I always game on my free time and its my best hobby.... Apart from writing I do enjoy gaming on my mobile phone and I do play on my brothers PC too but to be more specific I play call of duty mobile...

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So all these are what I do with my free time and I'd like to hear about yours in the comment session down below and don't forget to smash the like button if you enjoy the article and don't forget to subscribe.....

  • Thanks for reading guys, y'all should have a wonderful week...

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2 years ago


Some of us have a lot of free time especially those people at home. But we need to make ourselves productive always, make things that can improve our well being and aside from that of course just fo the things that you like in your free time like your hobbies.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also imagine story in my head in my free time 😆 it's so weird and crazy but it keeps me occupied.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I listen to music during my free time. Or I sleep because I stress myself a lot. I feel pity for you too because a combining your work to online work is not easy. The Lord is your strength

$ 0.00
2 years ago