I Was Born With Nothing So I Have Nothing To Loose

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2 years ago
  • I Was Born With Nothing, What Do I Have To Loose??

  • You Can Not Strike Fear Or Threaten A Man Who Has No One He Loves...

  • You Cannot Persuade A Man Who Wants Nothing...

  • You Cannot Argue With A Man Who Does Not Care...

  • But You Can Give Hope To A Man Who Has Given Up So Be Wary Of A Man Who Is Empty And Alone For He Has Nothing To Loose But Everything To Gain....

We came to this world with nothing but we have a lot to gain within a matter of time... For me I believe life is a race and we have a lot obstacles while we are still In the process of getting to our destination.....

One thing I have come to understand is that life is all about risk, and one of the biggest risk is not taking any risk...

"What If?"

"What If? " what if I risk it and the outcome is totally different ( Bad ) from what I have planned??

This has been one of the negativity holding a lot of people, they only think about the bad part and it delays their road to success because they can't see pass their limitation....

OK let's set the record straight What If you risk it and the outcome is not something valuable??..

Well you don't have to feel bad because its not the end of the world and yeah most times things don't go as planned so just move on and be grateful because your alive so you still have another chance to risk it one more time...

  • Life Is A Race, If You Don't Run Fast You'd Get Trampled...

The word seems familiar right?? A lot of us might have seen the movie " 3 Idiots", its an old Hollywood movie and it was being released around 2009...

If you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend you do so, I am never a lover of Hollywood movies but this one is totally different....

I first saw the movie some years ago ( Probably 10 Years Ago ), while watching the movie I was touched and tears almost run down my cheek Lol😁...

Though no one was killed but its touching, and afterwards I always end up downloading the movie and I re watch the movie once in every year..

Life Is A Race Act Fast And Think Smart

There are times that you won't get a second chance so its kinda like a now or never moment, and times like that you shouldn't delay and all you need to do is act fast and think smart before making a decision...

  • Stay Positive And Think Positive, Thanks For Reading...

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2 years ago


I've watched the 3 Idiots movie several years ago and I like the message it wants to relay. Such a good bollywood movie.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Am glad you could relate since you have seen the movie

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right, we came to this earth empty hand and will go from this earth empty hand, we just have attachment for temporary things we belong or we have. You described it really in a great way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually I believe outcomes are selected by Allah and we have to try hard to get what we want. I know sometimes we don't get what we wanted because our creator has planned spmething else which is better than that but we have to hard work. Life is a race but we have to run fast wisely to the right direction my friend.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The 3idiot I one of my best Indian movie. It is so filled with fun and tragedy when one of their friends/colleague had to commit suicide over the frustration he had from his supervisor. It is an interesting movie to watch.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes yes am glad you could relate dear... I think am gonna download it later today

$ 0.00
2 years ago