Good Bye To The Month Of April, Let's Welcome May

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Avatar for Amback_forgood
2 years ago
  • What's up wonderful people, how are we all doing today?? Hope y'all enjoyed your week???

The week and the month has come to an end and luckily we have few more hours left... Or maybe its already a new month to most of us due to different time zone, as of the time of writing this article its 4:35pm here and the weather still seems bright....

What Were My Plans For This Month?

Well its funny how I didn't make any plans nor goals for the April, it was a rough start for me and I just let nature take it course.... I had no plans and i just let things move how it wants to and luckily it turned out well for me....

Come of think of it May is actually my birth month and I still haven't planned myself for it....

My Goals For The New Month

Well there is nothing much to say about my goals but I intend on publishing at least 31 Articles before may comes to an end... Its up to TheRandomRewarder to take care of the rest....

I intend on saving 80% of my earning and then using 20% for personal spending....

Sponsors of Amback_forgood

And also am glad I got my first sponsor @Mofif it means alot to me...


Lately I don't have a specific amount of articles that I do visit, but I am glad that am more active than before and I do visit other articles when am chanced.....

Crypto Updates

March and April has been a bear market and it kinda looks like a squid game to me because its all about the red light and green light....

This few months that has passed has been filled with bear market and it doesn't seem like any stock, token or coin will be stable for a while because everything has been going back and fort...

So far this is my 20th article ever since I joined the platform once again and am glad that I didn't relent in any way... Though there were times I did give 48 hours interval before making another post, and also most times I didn't feel like dropping any article due to how bad the market was...

So here is what I have come to notice, though its not to everyone but I have come to realize that whenever BCH is down it does affect how the @TheRandomRewarder operates...

Well let's keep that aside, hope you all have buckled your seat belt for the new month that awaits us?? Wishing to see you guys get your goals achieved...

Oops I think I gotta bounce, Man city match has already started and I wouldn't want to miss the interesting parts of it 🤓....

  • Thanks for reading....

$ 2.11
$ 2.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.03 from @Ellawrites
Sponsors of Amback_forgood
Avatar for Amback_forgood
2 years ago


New month means new goal for us read cash users! Goodluck, mate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not a bad idea saving 80% of your earnings, and with the goal to drop 31 articles sounds like a plan, I might even take on that challenge myself let's see How it goes. Greetings bro...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hoping to see our goals be achieved, thanks for stopping by my friend...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amen to that...

My pleasure my good man...

$ 0.00
2 years ago