Thief of Joy

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2 years ago
Topics: Thief, Sadness, Problems, Joy

Published on: October 20, 2021

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For me it doesn't matter whatever day today is. I am not rooting for weekend to come because whatever day it is, nothing's changing. Everyday, I get this dark vibe. Something that I always try my bestest to fight back, not letting it in my head to rule my mind and mood. But sometimes, it's too clever for me to handle. Now, I'm tricked just like any normal day.

If someone has brought you two news, one bad news, and the other one is a good news, what would you choose to hear first? Bad new or Good news? If you pick the bad one first because you believe hearing the good news before the bad news will disrupt the mood, entirely. Doesn't matter how good the news is, if it will be followed by a destructive one. And for me, whatever your choice is, it usually won't end good. Something to ruin and something meant to sop you up. But tell me, good news first before bad news or the other way around?

What if you don't have a choice because what came to you was only a bad news? Would you still want to hear it? Ah, you don't have a choice, remember? - and that's the reason why I am writing right now.

They said, "After the rain comes the sun" or "there's a rainbow after the rain". I do believe in that and most of us claim that indeed that saying is really happening. That sound so sure, words of encouragement and motivation for someone who's dwelling with monster he or she fears, dwelling and dealing with his or her problems and ordeals which seems impossible to conquer.

Life is a cycle. When a rain comes to you, then it stop pouring and replaced by the sun or rainbow, what's next? Once you meet the sun, the cycle begins again. Rain comes again with its cruel whiplashes. I know, for us long as we live well have to deal with challenges, endless challenges and it's up to us on how we'll be able to deal and surpass them.

I won't be surprised why others are suspicious about being happy. Because after that, sadness or other conflicting emotions will surface. Something terrible will happen and that will ruin your mood, you entirety. Something destructive. Few can relate to this, you are happy this very moment then something will happen to tear that smile of yours. Just like today, something happened and I, we are having a hard time dealing with it.

Lead image- Credit:Antonio_Diaz

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2 years ago
Topics: Thief, Sadness, Problems, Joy


As for me, I wanted to hear the bad news first and then good news later on. Atleast, I have a reason to still keep smiling hihi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think bad news have a bigger impact on us than the good news. Also I read about that it matters what you hear first. Your attentuon is always focusing on the things, that you hear last. So if you want to make someone happy leave the good news last. This is based on what I read.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've been used of being like this where I no longer get excited for new days or weekends because it always been like this and nothing change

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's what life is,good and bad things are both with existence ,but it's just like a rainbow there's always a hope after the rain or in any circumstances we are dealing today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'll choose the bad news first... but whether its bad or news what's important is how we handle it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would prefer to listen the good news first, then bad news. Because then I can truly feel it and find a solution to fix it if possible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago