The Power of Bitcoincash amidst Covid-19 Pandemic

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago

Wed, August 18, 2021 (#17)

I knew nothing about it. I didn't even know it could possibly save us...

It was year 2020 when Covid-19 terrorized the majority of the world, affecting the emotional, physical and even the economic health and stability of every country especially of those in the process of a slow development. When the country's not in the good economic situation, and so it's low earner citizens?

Philippines is no exception to that disturbing reality. I, myself have witnessed how some lost their job and end up coming back to their homeland. The price of basic commodities didn't help at all when the quarantine had been imposed to selected cities. The health protocols e.g social distancing resulted to a limited number of passenger among public transportations.

My dad, a tricycle driver has been immensely affected by this pandemic. Before this crisis, he was earning $5-$10 per day but when the crisis enter the picture, everything had been in chaos. Typically earning $7 or lower. He was not doing it everyday since there was a coding for when his turn will be. Then, that broke our plates.

We can't rely to his earnings to provide for our daily necessities. I, can't work because I wasn't done with my study (High School) yet. I did a few sidegigs to accumulate funds to at least help pay with the growing electricity bill and acquisition of foods and goods for daily consumption. Despite of my load of school works, I offered academic services. Day and night, I used my time to finish them all.

But it wasn't enough and too tiring. I even tried to join bots and small time investments but all for which aren't stable and pure scams. Even some apps and surveys weren't my cup of tea. My hope was wavering, soon.

But someone introduced to me. I was indifferent about it, to say the least. It might be another scam site. It will only waste my time, again. She said I can earn dollar through the site. But I perceive it was difficult since there's another complex concept involved. Cryptocurrencies. Bitcoincash. What? That was me. But when she proved and presented evidences of her cash out, I was bath in a tank of hope. I researched about bitcoincash and how it works and what wallet is the most convenient to use.

I tried it. I tried but it took me a while to understand how it works. After some days, I was so proud that it was indeed legitimate! And look, how it pays me bitcoincash! I was so happy when I first earned $1. And I was amazed and scared at the same time that the price is so volatile. It changes overtime. Someone said, and from what I've read, Cryptocurrencies are volatile and it's risky for new ones who will invest. You might either lose half or more, or lose your patience first. I was advised by some fellow users with that "Buy low, sell high" strategy if I want to earn profits everytime bch goes to dip and the bull arrives.

How bitcoincash helped us?

My dad's earning isn't enough. There are sometimes when we end up having no rice to cook nor viand to be served. To pay for the electricity bills or to buy detergent powders for laundry or pay for our remaining balances amongst our creditors.

For the first month, bitcoincash was performing real good as it goes high and high. I even spend my small academic service fees to buy myself some bch to earn profits after sometime of investment. Sure I was amazed that it brought me profits! Hence, with our current situation, I ought to sell them to provide for my family.

Through Palawan express pera padala, a remittance company in the Philippines, I was able to withdraw. Below are my transactions.

Earnings and small profits withdrew from Palawan Express Pera Padala
latest money received

Approximately, I have withdrawn $190 all in all and that amounted to 9,500 Philippine peso. And do you know what I did with that amount of money? For the most difficult and empty pocket times, I bought food. I bought kilos of rice, canned goods, noodles, vegetables good for a few days and bought fish as our viand for lunch or dinner. Groceries such as detergent powder, cooking oil, bathing and hygiene needs such as soap, shampoos, toothpaste and the likes we use in a daily basis. Online class has been friendly to my sister and I since I provide for her data pack. My old phone has been repaired too. (and that is what I'm using right now). Aside from that I was able to Pay for our electricity bills too. I was so proud that I could help and knowing that we wouldn't worry about what to eat the next few days, lessen the burden on my chest.

It was not withdrawn at once. I withdrew every week for support and for the aim that the remaining bch will gain profit before I sell them again. Yes, it was painful to sell them but why would I resist the will to help my family's needs when I can?

The Power of Bitcoincash amidst Covid-19 Pandemic

It's a life saver.

You see? Life amidst Covid-19 became tougher for us who are in the lowest part of the economic ladder. But because of Bitcoin cash, and with the help of, I was able to help my family get through the toughest days we have had.

I am so glad that I knew about and bitcoincash through the help of some good strangers. Bitcoincash saved us from dying, really. Covid-19 may not be the cause of our death but because of the lack of financial capacity to sustain our daily needs.

I've heard how most of my fellow Filipinos complain about this pandemic. Starvation will be their enemy aside from this invisible enemy (Covid-19). Surely the first aforementioned will be most deadly for us, who's in poverty line.

That's why, bitcoincash helped me and my family survive those dark days of Covid-19's strike. The community quarantine was imposed and limited mobility also, limited the ability to earn outside of our home. My dad,I know he was so devastated and saddened when this pandemic arrived knocking our household economy down. But I am very thankful, he was, we were and we will always be thankful and grateful with this cryptocurrency.

Thank you Bitcoin cash! Thank you for those people behind as well. You guys helped us through our hopeless days. Forever, I will be grateful for this crypo. You didn't just help me, but also those people who needed help and support to start. I know you know who you are. (Bitcoincash changed your life, right?)

$ 2.85
$ 2.59 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @John28
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
+ 3
Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


Well done on the $190 withdrawal!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

thank you dood

$ 0.00
2 years ago

way to go sis.. so much blessings!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope so. Thank youuu for stopping by! Hapoy Thursday🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

BCH is really helpful I read an article yesterday she use her BCH to pay her remaining balance in school And also earlier i read an article which she will spent almost half of her earnings to those students who needs help this school year BCH is so powerful!👏

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes po. That's why I'll be forever grateful sa Bitcoin cash. It saved me. And absolutely change and gave me some motivation to continue and strive for something

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on your bch journey, sis!

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago