Little Envy

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago

Mon, August 30, 2021


The roar of thunder echoed across the cold alley. I immediately made my way out and ushered myself to the street. The busy street where you can see many vehicles that seem to crash and kiss each other thanks to their accurate calculations. The road was tight even though the weather is announcing a hostile takeover. I see many cars and motorcycles. Most of them accompany someone. While the other pass by alone. Like me.

I averted my gaze to the humans walking. They are brisk walking while holding something to prevent them from getting soak. Alas! It's raining. I climbed and gathered myself to relocate to the nearest shed where some young humans are talking with one another. Mouth stretched and waving their hands in the air. They are making noises as I silently sit far away from them. I am beneath where they sit on. I fear that they are like the other young humans who will shove me out in the rain. I don't want to get soak again. So I didn't make a sound. Not even a single meow.

The girl from where I was sitting snatched one delicious-looking food from her bag. My stomach instantly growled at the sight. I'm too small to be noticed so they wouldn't hear even my little stomach growl. I stared at the food. It was a brownish bread with meat as a filling. I couldn't recall the name though I heard someone mentioned that when she bought it from the store. The other humans seemed to vanish from my sight that all I could see is the food. It looked so yummy. Will she give something to me?

No. I shook my head vehemently. She's probably the same as the other wicked humans. I just stared at it as she devours it slowly. As if trying to tease me. I felt my saliva slightly formed that some fell already. She didn't seem to notice me. Should I make a sound? No, she would hit me just like the lady who owns the house in that alley where I came in. I never tried to asked for food. She didn't understand me either.

"Hey, kitty! Would you want some?" I snapped out of my reverie when I heard her say. I looked up only to see the girl looking at me with a round accessory in her eyes. She was smiling at me. I just stared at her in bewilderment. Why was she talking to me? Would she hit me just like the other did? Since she caught me glancing and staring intently at her food? I backed away a bit.

"Hey, you look hungry. And you are partially wet", the girl added and crouched to look at me. She even extended her arms to reach me. I instantly jolted back at her action, part of my reflex.

I felt some pair of eyes, and there I realized that other humans noticed me. My heart beat faster.

"What is she doing?"

"Hey, that's a stray cat. It might be carrying a disease. Be careful". That's what all are always saying.

I thought she would believe them but, she stayed in her position. She glanced back at me.

"Hey, don't be afraid. You hungry?..." She trailed off as seems thinking for a while. Her eyes lit up after so. "Wait...kay?" then she opened her bag where she snatched the food earlier. And I was right! She removed the cover and offered it to me, right on my mouth. I hesitantly sniffed on it. It's so inviting. Another round of growl and, it's even prominent this time.

She smiled at me. "Hey, don't be afraid. You eat. I know you're hungry" as she put down the food on the cold cement.

I sighed in defeat and started to devour it. Just how I thought, It tasted very delicious. It's soft, sweet and, meaty. I never relax enough as I occasionally glance at my surroundings. I noticed that the rain has finally come to a stop. I felt a bit sad because this girl will surely leave me.

Just then, I felt a soft hand caressed my head. It's her. She was holding something as my body felt a bit dry. She smiled at me when she noticed my action. I suddenly let out a raspy meow.

"Don't worry. Just eat up, okay? I will give you more" My eyes lit up at the thought of more food! Is she for real? Why is she so kind to me? Would she take me with her? That thought held my hopes up. Would she?

Probably not. I sniffed at that thought as it hurts. Just then, I spotted a very clean, fury cat approaching. No. An old-looking woman was holding her. Wow, no one ever carried me like that. She looked so expensive. She looked sweet-scented. I think I forgot the food in front of me and looked at the two. The cat never tried to make eye contact with me. She looked grump and sophisticated at the same time. Too clean. I am sure she never felt being soaked in mud, rain and be hit and shove multiple times. How lucky. Even the other young humans in the shed admired her cuteness.

The girl immediately sat up when she saw the old woman. Did she knew her? Was that cat her pet? How lucky (1000^n...)

"Mira, your dad will surely be mad if he knows about this. That cat is dangerous. Come on"

I eyed the girl she's referring to. It's The same girl who gave me food. "No, she's kind. She doesn't bite. Can I take her with us?" After hearing those words, I think my heart melted with joy. Is she sure? I was about to be happy when the woman shook her head in disapproval, taking my whole happiness away. The woman, now a step away from the girl. She stepped into the shed. I heard the furry cat meow as the girl touched her head to caress like what she did to me a while ago. I felt like I sank from the sight. She even carried the cat in her arms.

"Mia, Look! You'll have a new playmate!"

After saying those words, the expensive cat stared at me harshly. Then immediately let out a growl of disapproval. Sure, who would want to befriend a rag like me? Just then, the girl called Mira, glanced back at the woman, "Let me take her with us, please?"

"You might get virus or disease from that cat. Come on!"

If my fellow cat looked so extravagant, the car that pulled out on the street from where we were looked so expensive too. The door opened then I saw how she hesitantly take a step closer to that car.

I prayed that she would take me. I always wished for someone kind to shelter me. I was about to get my wish, but this is not for me. I lowered my gaze. Waiting for them to drive away. The car moved but, I heard her say,


The girl ran back to me. She smiled then from her bag she got something out. It's a different food. "Hey, this is for you. I'm sorry that I can't take you with me. I will always visit you. Remember my promise? I will give you food, Okay? So you wait for me here." She then smiled and turned back to the car as it drove away the moment she completely steps in. She vanished at my sight.

I hold on to her words, but she never came back again.

All rights reserved.

Lead-image is mine.


$ 7.25
$ 7.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Eylz2021
$ 0.02 from @OfficialGamboaLikeUs
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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


I'm here before reading part 2, I love ittttt 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yay thank you for reaaadiing and appreciating❤ It took me a week bago makapagpub ulit. 😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Part 2? 🥺 Part 2 please. Gusto ko malaman sino nagalaga sakaniya until sa lumaki sya

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yay after a week, may part 2 na din😅✌ but don't expect anything 😭

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was hoping for the post to end happy, sorry :/

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There'll be some more installment for this. Let's see if there'll be a happy ending. Tho, this really happen sometimes. We can't really expect things to come back. It'll only hurt us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nasasaktan ako 😭. Huhuhu sana dinala niya nalang huhu. Yung mingming ko bgayon ampon lang din eh haha. Nakita ko sa gilid ng daan tas ayun inuwi kos bahay hahaha. Gustong gusto naman ng mama ko hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ey good for you have a soft heart for stray cats. They deserve a shelter talaga Pero Hindi lahat ng Pusa ganoon ang kapalaran😭 there are some more parts for this perspective. Let's see kung anong mangyayari sa kanya.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aww, I was really hoping that Mira would come back. But then, aww just sad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

we'll see po for the next parts. hehe. This is kind of true story e

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, nice! I'll wait for the next part.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i was hoping for a sweet ending..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's just a sad start po. Sana sipagin akong dugtungan. Btw, good morning! and thank you for the visit🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago