Finally hitting the $1,200 Jackpot

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Won, Jackpot, Dollar, October

Published on: October 02, 2021

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You may not know it but it's been 4 long months since I first tried online lotto. Pick 12, Pick 3, Ez2 are my favorites. With your $.20 you can win as much as $80! The more your bet is, the higher price you'll win. (Interested?)

Tho I am not lucky. I know that. I didn't thought that I'll be able to win. I stopped for a while and just this 2nd week of September, I tried my luck again. Although my luck is non existent.

Just this 25th of September, I tried again.

Screenshot from our group chat:Winning numbers, agent transaction

And goodness gracious! After so many months of waiting, praying and being immensely disappointed, I finally won $1,200! Up until today, I can't believe it! My winning combination was 07 and 07! I dreamed about this number the night before I bet my hundred fifty pesos.

Gcash remaining balance

Above is the remaining balance on my gcash account. Apart from 40 more thousand pesos, I sent 12,500 pesos to my account. I've given away more than 1,000 pesos to my fellow bettors as well.

Now, What would I do with this amount? Honestly, I have few perfect plans.

Buying Materials to building The House

In the article "today is the second week and the first day", I shortly talked about our house. It was supposed to be on progress on September 15th but was moved last week. But due to luck of funds, it is still far away to full clothing. Honestly, it's a standing skeleton!

Now, with the money I've won recently, I will give it to my mother. Probably the $500 for the completion of the house. I know mom wanted galvanized roof because it's neater. Our house will need 20 more of those. Allocating $200 for the roofing, $120 for wall (plywood) and $120 for the cement and hollow blocks. The remaining money will be the payment for the labor fee and if it happened to be insufficient, mom should pay for it.

Purchase of mobile phone

It's a real struggle to deal with not so well functioning phone. Your patience will surely go thin and thin. For the past month, I couldn't do much with it because the home button has been broken. It lags and hangs around like an (idiot) and successfully pisses me off. I need a break. Atleast a new one. Honestly, I have never bought a new phone. It was always bought second hand or was given to me. This phone I am using was given to me. And you know, it was given away because it does have a problem. And yes, as I've checked it, the home button was already broken so I had to download and install a navigation bar app or assistive touch. Both are useful, so If your buttons are no longer working, I recommend you use either of the two.

On Monday, Mom applied for a cellphone loan in which I'll have to pay for the next 6 months every week. So it's a good thing I already have a guarantee that I can pay it every week, that is amounting to $9.





I will allocate a $100 for this one. A sack of rice may rest for a month. Since there's a Weekend Lockdown, my father's income has de-escalate due to passengers minimal appearances. And since we're on the process of house construction, groceries are needed for the laborer/s.

Self Treat (and them)

I haven't had my me time for a long time now. I was planning to go to this barangay where you can watch the beauty of the sea and walk on the almost white scorching sand. The salty wind blows the worry in me. Leaving me at peace. Now, the sad thing is, it is under Lockdown too since there were a few covid 19 cases. I will have to wait until it's open (Will surely share that with you all).

The public market building isn't bad at all. There are plenty of store I can choose to eat to. The shake is good as well, so maybe tomorrow I'll be there. the whole day. Lol.

What to do with the remaining amount?

  • $500 for the house

  • $100 for groceries

  • $40 for my self and family treat

Since I won't be paying the phone in full, I am nevertheless lucky to hodl my money. The expenses above gave a total/summation of $640. Extracting from $960 (net amount) I will be left with $320. Now, what should I do with it?

I will absolutely buy bitcoincash because as you can see, this is the perfect time to buy!

But someone woke me up...

$ 2.05
$ 1.80 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.11 from @fantagira
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
+ 3
Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Won, Jackpot, Dollar, October


Hahaha what a dream! If only. Hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haahah kaya nga po e. may plano na ako. premyo na lang kulang😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on the big gains..... I'll be following the adviceso I get some big wins too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

60000 pesos??? Wooawwww late man congratulations padinn po. 7 is actually a lucky number poo, perk di ako nataya sa mga ganyann sobrang baba ng luck ko kaya di ako nag rrely dyan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh wow! Congratulations, sis! Makapagtaya nga din. hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations! Wait until the end to see if it was a dynamic, and wow, it wasn't! It's 100% real, so congratulations friend. Incredible how you spent months to achieve the goal, you were rewarded for so much effort, it tells us a lot about you and that we should never give up. Enjoy your success, many more will come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow you are indeed a lucky one. Congratulations! You deserve it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations 🥳 dear! That’s amazing! 7 is my all time favourite number. You reminded me that I have a scratch card in my diary that I haven’t scratched yet. Maybe I won too 😅

I’m amazed by how much you can buy for $1200 in your country 💙

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow that's a lot of money over here congratulations

$ 0.00
2 years ago