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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Fall, Failure, Lesson, Downfall, People, ...

June 06, 2022

Really embarrassing but I'm here again, Yow! It's been a decade, lol. I haven't finish my collection- but that's fine. I'll get there, soon or later.


Leaves before they fall are wide awake,

Like a mirror shattered into tiny pieces,

Of beats and skips and drops of tears,

Are all called...victims.

Count it not with your fingers,

It outnumbers, it overgrows,

albeit unsuppressed rebel,

boastful of its nature.

However clean, lucky, and kind,

No, doesn't render a ticket to safety line,

Away from this dark, dark side of life —

It's for everyone.

Photo credits to Sammy Williams

$ 0.43
$ 0.42 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Pichi28
Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Fall, Failure, Lesson, Downfall, People, ...


Heeeeeyyy, it's been a while since I've heard from you siiiss.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great thoughts dear I appreciate it.💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

heya! now I am imagining autumn... :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago