Beware, these "Big seven" can drown you

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Seven, Drowning, Dangerous, Jealousy, Life, ...

Published on: October 08, 2021

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As I've anticipated the presence of my friendly hanging disc up the sky, she's not showing up. Even her friendly folks that twinkle with utter magnificence, adored by most kids are invisible as well. I wish to talk to them humming my story about how today has ended but guess the dark clouds forbid them to display their beguiling beauty.

Just another lonely yet not alone night, spiking my complaints against the dark and seemingly endless horizon. My neighborhood's lights and bulbs illuminate the dark street and heads up to each vehicle that creates and stirs a tolerable noise in this silent night. Like a hammock it swings me back and forth, and thus reminds me of my impossible lonesome.

Sitting on the backside of our vehicle, where I have a clearer view of the dark comforter that hovers above us, I know for a fact, I am drowning. I barely write outside as I always get the partial-to-wavering momentum inside our close to suffocating space. Today is different I guess. Staring at the ceiling is my thing, but now, staring at the darkness gives me more reason to write. To write about this one word, drowning, what could drown us and how do we end up being in that state of drowning.

Bodies of water

Water is essential to our survival. 3-5 days without water would absolutely kill us. Yet too much water, or bodies of water is dangerous. It's known by anyone. In a literal sense, despite you knowing how to swim, or dangerously not, you can be drowned under unfortunate circumstances. It's immensely dangerous and yet people find comfort and enjoyment in bodies of water. It's a source of fun for you can do many activities under or on the surface, sight seeings and interaction with aquatic creatures e.g Whale sharks.

Choice and consent work hand and hand onto anything we do. We choose to do it, and so we grant consent leaving us responsible for the consequences of our action.


Thoughts are endless. It starts in the surface and approach the endless pit of questioning, worrying and imagining results of each course of action or results of future resorts. It's beyond manageable sometimes, it overflows and overpower you, leaving you in the room of confusion. Thoughts are powerful. It is either positive or negative and dealing with it may be tricky for you.

  • Worries

  • Complaints

  • Failures

  • Regrets

  • Disappointments

  • Expectations

Good Thoughts

  • Looking forward for the next day

  • To-do list for the next day

  • How to correct mistakes

  • Should haves to avoid the same mistakes

  • Romanticizing and more

Bad Thoughts

  • To ruin someone

  • Plotting offenses against someone

  • Ending one's life

  • Fabricating lies for self gain and more


People are born immensely hungry for various aspect of life, knowledge, origin and truth or even lies. As we grow older, our greed grows as well. And we need to feed them. We are attending to school for what reason? To graduate, then probably find a decent paying job. After finding a decent and good paying job, we'll pursue and impress our ups and or employers, now aiming for a raise or promotion. Then the cycle continues.

Greed is classified to be good and bad,

Good Greed: The greed to know more and gain more knowledge in school, seeking for a job to accumulate sufficient income, pursuing the best version of yourself, aiming for more power and authority in a good way.

Bad Greed: The greed to have more power and authority whether via wicked or legal means, to be feared, to gain something regardless of the nature of the process.

Greed to Investment which offers a too good to be true returns might blind you and without knowing it, you are losing your capital.


It's innate for anyone to get mild jealousy but having an overwhelming feeling of jealousy might ruin one's relationship to other people. This is typical for siblings and or partners. Most Boyfriends and girlfriends develop a feeling of belonging and possessiveness to one another and so when they sense a danger e.g new person in the picture, which ignites the jelly and insecurity, then things will turn up side down like all hell will break loose.

Jealousy is dangerous in a escalated level. People are easily engulfed by this manipulation which may result to broken trust, frequent fights and may end to a broken relationship. As certain, humans are vulnerable and it's a nature we cannot easily defy.


The moment we were born, we were bound to be responsible for ourselves and later as we grow older, we'd start to shoulder responsibilities alongside adulthood. Compared to being a child, we were much carefree and happier, weren't we? But as we reach the age of maturity we would face the reality of life. Decision makings, accountabilities, responsibilities and obligations. Responsibilities such as:

  • Household Responsibilities (family, chores, financial)

  • Social Responsibilities

  • School Responsibilities

  • and more to mention

Yet, sometimes they are tiring and suffocating, aren't they? There are times that you just want to lay on your bed and sing the "Lazy Song" and do nothing at all. But, responsibilities are on the top list that nag you out of the bed.

"Come on! The world needs a genius, kind and loving person like you!"

Work overloads

Procrastination is one of the reason why workloads exist and another could be because of your profs' and employer's way of making you suffer(LoL). Workload, the state of having loads of work in a particular time of your life. It gets worse when the deadline's waving its flag.

This might hinder your other routines or wholly affect you and your health. Skipping meals, insufficient amount of sleep and lots of frustration may even help you to finish nothing. Remember, without a clearer mind, your work might not appear as polish as you expect and want it. That is why, it is vital to practice effective time management to avoid or minimize such event.


It's not new that we, humans expect a lot and Set expectations. High or reachable enough. The danger is that, once you expect, you are embracing the danger of disappointment. You know how that feels, right?

In Conclusion

Either it's your choice, or bad luck is with you to let you drowning on any of those. Just don't forget, trust yourself and live a bit happy. Life is challenging, are you going to let those things drown you?

Lead image edited on Picsart.

And, Thanks for reading!

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Seven, Drowning, Dangerous, Jealousy, Life, ...


Bad greed will bring you no good and nowhere. If you want to keep striving in life, make sure to never drown in the sea of greediness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

100% distilled tdrinking water. djk. hahaha. Opo talagang bad greed is bad. Pero yan ginagawa ng karamihan sa atin

$ 0.00
2 years ago

body of water.. maiba lang hahaha.. kidding.

greed tops .. greed eats.. even the good greed can lead to everything else you mentioned ...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha. medyo good pa naman yung good greed pero haist greed pa din🤦‍♀️ pero yaan na, basta ayoko malunod sa tubig😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe sa bagay .. other stuff you mentioned you can still get out of given the right life saver any time. Pero yun tubig.. dapat agad meron salba..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All of the above, sis. Pinakatop jan ang greed. Jan nagmumula lahat ng kasamaan eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

opo e. pero yan ang pinakainaalagaan ng tao🤦‍♀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Greed will drown you definitely. This is the worst thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup my dear lucifer. So let's not get drown in it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All above mentioned should not be valued in life. The Sea could be calming but some possibilities could drown us, like how thoughts, greediness, jealousy, expectations, responsibilities, workloads, pressure could kill us.

Life is not meant to live in when those are valued and given focus. Instead, we should work hard for the contentment and satisfaction we should have in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yet life won't be like that, sadly. People are greedy, we are significantly vulnerable that's why those things, feelings and wants exist. haist, but we can still live a good, happy life. tho we can't others esp. their greed😪

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True. People have no limits on their wants. Some just don't know to be contented.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life's biggest enemies are Greed, jealousy and expectations, without these, life could be so much better

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ah, how I wanna look at a world without those you've mentioned. But that's impossible now. Humans are greedy in either good or bad ways/reasons.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

100% :/ that is so sad

$ 0.00
2 years ago