Wars over foods!!

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3 years ago

Not all wars in history were sparked by political reasons and conflicts on the ground, but by other reasons - some of them simple and insignificant - sparked wars between nations. One of the reasons for the outbreak of wars in history was food ! When we say food has been the cause of wars, we do not mean hunger, but strange and humorous reasons.

Most food wars have been caused by misunderstandings, and in other cases food has been used as an appropriate excuse for regional disputes. In this article, you will read about some historical wars that have started between nations over food.

Australian government war against Australian ostriches (Amu) over food

In the 1930s, the growing Amu Desert devastated Western Australian farms. Farmers in the area were World War I veterans, and the government gave them land in exchange for services. To prevent a catastrophe, the Australian government declared war on birds that were not flying in the area.

The Australian Government assembled its army near Berth, and the army entered the battlefield with the birds. Due to the erratic flight of Amu birds everywhere, the army killed only 10 to 12 birds per 1,000 herds. In the end, the army returned defeated and handed over its ammunition to the farmers so that they could shoot the birds themselves.

Sweet War

After Mexico's independence from Spain, the country became chaotic. Widespread looting and riots led to the bankruptcy and destruction of several companies, including the French chef Remontel in 1838. Remontel asked the Mexican government to compensate him, and he handed over his case to the French government. France used Remontel as a point to demand 600,000 pesos from Mexico to compensate for the destruction of confectioneries, but the Mexican government did not pay a penny. France besieged Mexican ports with warships and attacked the city of Veracruz. Mexico declared war on France and enlisted in the army. In the end, the British mediated and declared a ceasefire between the two countries, and Mexico paid France 600,000 pesos.

Roman-Egyptian War

In 30 BC, Cleopatra died and the situation in Egypt was unstable and she could be occupied. The Romans did the same, occupying the kingdom and using it as a means of obtaining grain and bread for centuries. This area was even called a "bread basket" because of its large grains.

The salt war that killed the Pope

In 1482, a war broke out in Italy called the Ferrara War, also known as the War of Salt. Ferrara's war was over the salt trade, which was limited to Venice under the trade agreement. A man named Erkol violated the agreement by selling salt in Ferrara. Pope Sixeus IV was excited about the move and, along with his Venetian allies, declared war on Hercules. After a while, Ercol agreed with the Venetians without considering Pope Sixus. The pope became so angry that he died of a heart attack.

Boston Tea Party

In the 1870s, Britain imposed taxes on goods such as stamps, spices, pickles, and tea in the American colonies, and the colonies were dissatisfied. So some of the so-called "Children of Freedom" decided to show the British what they really believed in the tax, and threw a cup of tea into the water at Boston Harbor. This event symbolically earned the title of Boston Tea Party and was the starting point of the American Revolution.


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