Top5 scary places in USA

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3 years ago

Now after scary hotels, forests and churches, I'll have a look at countries' scary places that rarely you are aware of their existence, be with me;

In America, like many other countries, there are scary places that you have to be brave to visit. 

1-villiska axe murder house

Also known as the home of Josie B. and Sarah Moore , it is the site of a massacre in the early 1900s. On a hot summer afternoon in 1912, Josie Moore and his wife, along with six children, two of whom were neighbors, were brutally killed in their bed by an axe. Despite the discovery of their bodies, the mystery of this horrible crime has not yet been solved. Their souls are still in search of the killer and justice after death. Visitors to this house can stay overnight if they dare. There is a website that have been made for this house🤔

Villiska axe murder house

2-Asylum Trans-Allegheny, Weston, West Virginia 

Built in 1800, the hospital was designed for 250 patients. However, after several years, it hospitalised more than 2,000 patients. Lack of facilities, inhumane treatment and terrible medical conditions caused the hospital to close in 1900. The closure of the hospital also failed to calm the wandering spirits of patients who had been mistreated and were seeking revenge on doctors.

3-Myrtles Farm , St. Francisville, Louisiana

According to ancient stories, this southern farm was once the home of a wealthy family and their servants. Mark Woodruff harassed a slave named Cheloo, and Cheloo poisoned him and his family with a poisoned cake in revenge. He is executed for the crime he committed, but his soul still lives on the farm. And this is their website:

Myrtle farm

4-Tunnels Shanghai, Portland, Oregon

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, illegal workers entered the city illegally through a tunnel under Portland. These tunnels connected to crowded places such as restaurants and cafes and ended at the Vilamet River. . Most of these workers were poisoned with drugs or beaten under anesthesia and transported to narrow cells through this tunnel. These people were transported across the ocean to China. Men were sold as laborers and women as slaves. This tunel is now known as "Shanghai tunel" and tours are organized to visit this area.

5-Queen Anne Hotel , San Francisco, California

You can stay in this hotel, even though it has a dark past. Around 1800, the hotel was known as the Marie Lex Girl School. It was a good school with good staff for educating the daughters of wealthy families, run by Mrs. Marie Lex. Although Marie Lex called the school home and devoted herself to her students, the school closed a few years after it began. Marie Lex is gone, but her ghost haunts the unlucky travelers staying in her former office, Room 410. In addition, during the severe earthquake of 1906, while the city was destroyed, the school miraculously survived.


Have a nice scary day🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

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good post

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User's avatar mhv
3 years ago

Oh great

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3 years ago

Tnx for reading 👋

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