Endlessly3 (mirror devil)

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3 years ago

I woke up confusingly, confused from last night's party; Couldn't remember how I went to bed even, however, I went to the bathroom and washed my face, then; at that moment, it started happening.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw myself with a second delay; at first, I didn't take it too seriously. In fact, I was so dizzy and disarranged that it wasn't important for me. After a few minutes, I asked myself, what happened last night?

It was an amicable party with four friends of mine. We were awfully drunk and we did stupid things that I couldn't remember at that moment; so, I guessed that everything was fine and they had left my home peacefully.

You want it or not, life is going on; so, the rest of the week passed normally. Next week at work, I was talking with Mark and Johnny who were at that party when Amy another participant of the party joined us and she started telling the ominous things that were happening:

-Last night when I was brushing my teeth in front of the mirror, I noticed that my reflection in the mirror is not following me properly and this kind of delays are happening from the party night, each time that I looked at the mirror carelessly...

Johnny added:

-Common, you have a poor eyesight.

Amy continued:

-Don't duck me john, however, who took me home that night?

We start looking at each other and Mark add:

-I was curious who did the same for me too?

After some chatting, we finally realised that none of us remember anything about that night except one thing that Johnny said:

-I remember we played a strange board game, but nothing else.

I hated board games, like always, and I could play one just in a drunken case...

More days passed and I started noticing that mirror glitches too and it started becoming more wild. After a week Amy called us to go to her house, Mark and I were in front of her door inside her house, standing there with open mouth, surprised by her appearance and her house appearance; her eyes were totally red and her hair were completely disheveled, and in the house, everything that may have your reflection was covered by the piece of cloth.

she started talking with a weak sound:

-Johnny is lost, they have found this in his house.

And she gave us piece of paper, written on it by his handwriting;

"Sam, Mark and Amy; we have done something really stupid, we have somehow that I don't know how, called a demon and that demon is following us, just stop looking at yourself in mirror, or that devil will posses you by f*cking mirrors. I myself tried to...

Mark and I were looking at each other, didn't know what to do after seeing blood drop at the end of the letter...


In the past two weeks, Mark and Amy have been lost too and I am the only one who left, although I have broken all the mirrors in the house, I can't sleep anymore; Lots of nightmares have filled my dreams.


It must be the delivery guy, I'm going to open the door,

"Hey Sam"

Johnny is standing in front of me holding a mirror;

I'm going into the mirror, trying to release is pointless, from the depth of mirror, I can see that devil is replacing me in the world and I'm going into the mirror, endlessly.


I woke up confusingly, confused from last night's party; Couldn't remember how I went to bed even. I hate these parties, however I went to the bathroom to wash my face, at that moment I noticed a delay in my reflection in the mirror...


Hope you liked🖤💛🖤,

Check Endlessly1 and Endlessly2 if you like this one.

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$ 1.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago


Excellent writing skills

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This story is so cool. And genuine also back my post dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like the story 👍.

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like it for sure and hope many can read it. I tried to give you a tip but it doesn't seem to work. Some error. I'll contact @Read.Cash about it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading and encouraging🤗, I admire this👍🏻

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3 years ago