8 interesting sea legends!

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3 years ago

From the most famous marine myths in history that many people have believed and have defined for each other year after year, I have selected 8 cases that are the most fascinating.

the sea is always full of mysteries and many fiction and real stories about it are common. But what makes it mysterious, strange and interesting are the lost ones that were once lost at sea and are no longer traceable. The people and ships that disappeared in the heart of the sea have caused terror in many people, and the work has reached a point where even some people in some sea areas are banned!

1. Shipwrecked in the 19th century

In 2019, researchers from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) discovered a shipwreck in the Gulf of Mexico. A closer look revealed that the ship sank about 200 years ago with a length of about 124 feet. The ship is made of wood with a copper cover. Investigators still do not know where the ship came from and why it sank in this place or what happened to its crew and passengers. The only clue that has been discovered so far is the number 2109, which is written on the rudder and also pieces of iron and copper have been found around the ship.

Burnt pieces of wood around the ship indicate that a terrible fire had occurred before it sank. Following the announcement of the discovery, NOAA member Frank Contlas expressed hope that the ship would be re-examined and its secrets revealed.

2. Secrets of the Black Sea

The Black Sea has always been a treasure trove of incredible mysteries and strange creatures. In 2000, Robert Ballard reported the discovery of evidence that many people had died in the Great Flood of the Black Sea. This discovery is similar to the biblical story about the origin of nature, which caused a great deal of controversy at the time. Other wonders of the Black Sea include its whirlpools. In the Middle Ages, Turks and Russians reported vortices in the Black Sea that engulfed islands and ships, and they suddenly disappeared. The vortices were said to appear asymptomatic, preventing fishermen from entering the area. Also in December 1945, five Soviet bombers flying over the Black Sea disappeared and were never seen again. In 1990, a Greek plane disappeared in the sea. These events have led to the theory of the existence of magnetic anomalies in this region. It is said that in 1991, a Russian oil rig dislodged from its location and headed for the Black Sea, leaving almost 80 crew members missing.

3. Namse Bangdzod tanker

On December 27, 2018, a tanker with 11 crew members and a captain left Kalimantan for the port of Jakarta. While all reports were normal, on December 28, all contact with the tanker was abruptly cut off. After much investigation, the last contact of this tanker was tracked on January 3, 2019. The National Maritime Search and Rescue Agency believes the tanker was hijacked by pirates. But the Navy has denied the allegations, saying there was no safe passage for the ship and that there was no demand for ransom from pirates. "It was unlikely that the tanker crashed into a rock because no signal was sent," said Ulan South Goering, a maritime expert. Although the navy and police conducted extensive searches in the area, no trace of the tanker has been found to date.

4. Death Island

Mount Tao is an island located in the west of the Gulf of Thailand and is known as the Turtle Island because its coral reefs are the natural habitat of beautiful sea creatures including turtles. This place is a destination for many tourists and visitors, and a variety of attractive tourism options are provided for them. Of course, this island, along with its amazing nature, has also witnessed many unfortunate events. It became known as Death Island after bodies were found floating in the water and serial deaths occurred at the site. In 2012, Ben Harrington's body was found on the island when local police reported his accidental death from a bicycle colliding with a lightning rod. However, his mother believes that her son was killed by criminals because his wallet and watch were also stolen. In September 2014, two backpacks with the bodies of Hannah Vrigid and David Miller were found at the scene of Ben Harrington's murder. Police investigations revealed that Hannah had been raped before the murder. Local police later identified the two migrants as criminals and sentenced them to death. Two weeks later, the body of Luke Miller, 24, was found by a swimming pool. Valentina Nojinova also disappeared from Mount Tao and was never seen again. Six weeks later, a Belgian tourist named Elise Dalmagen was killed, and in 2015, others were killed. All these deaths and serial killings have led to rumors about the existence of serial killers and the Mafia on the island.

5. Cursed ship

Wasp and his sister traveled extensively in 1880. On September 21, 1884, Wasp sailed for Moyla to hire staff and office workers. The ship's route was a busy and safe route to travel. However, the ship hit a rock at 3 am and within 30 minutes the ship sank completely. Fifty ship passengers and crew lost their lives in the accident, and only six survived. One of the survivors states that Wasp chooses another route to reach the island near Tori Island. All the senior officers were resting and were replaced by inexperienced crews. However, this accident was very strange for everyone, because the ship hit the rocks just below the lighthouse. Some claim that the lighthouse was deliberately turned off at the time, while the sea was calm and the weather was good. However, the investigation did not find any clues about the rumors and the cause of this incident has not been determined yet.

6. Mysterious diver

Divers have seen many supernatural phenomena while exploring the oceans. They hear the loud sound of a ship or a boat floating on the water while exploring the depths of the ocean. After returning to the surface, no boats were seen near them. They also hear loud noises from the engine of the Japanese ship Hokki Maru, which sank in 1944 and sank in the deep ocean. In 2007, a group of divers were exploring the Grenada Ocean. After the group returns to the ship, one of the group members asks about the white diver who was exploring with the group underwater. None of the group members had seen this person. However, the diving supervisor re-counts to make sure the group is submerged. But they find no trace of the white diver, and they do not even see any ships or boats around them. In 2012, a group of divers in Santa Rosa, California, spotted an unidentified diver with a pink tank while diving. They approached him for a closer look, but suddenly he disappeared. The divers immediately inform the police, but the police tell them that this has already been seen by other divers.

7. The Legend of Atsura - Bonn

On February 22, 1803, a strange boat was spotted off the coast of Japan. This dome-shaped boat with metal straps looked unusual at the time. The passenger on the boat was a red-haired woman holding a box in her hands. The woman did not communicate with the fishermen and did not understand their language. It was rumored at the time that this woman was a princess who had put her mistress's head in a box and was on a long journey! Some believe she was a Russian spy who came to Japan to send information. However, no one has yet found an explanation or theory about the arrival of this woman and the box in her hand, and this issue is still being told like a myth among the people.

8. Sea monster

Monsters and sea waves are mostly found in ancient myths and legends, and humans do not believe in them. One of the most famous tales of the sea monster is the story of JH Hyatt and his companion who traveled to Madagascar in 1889. After a while, a number of villagers told Hyatt that a large green monster had attacked four fishermen and swallowed one of them! The monster chased the rescued fishermen to the shore and disappeared. Hyatt and his companions immediately began searching for the green monster and shot at it after seeing it in the sea. But their attack had no effect and the monster escaped from them. Another report in 1965 published a story about a strange sea creature. A 16-year-old boy named McClary and four of his friends went to the Gulf Coast in 1962, the report said. Frightened and alone at home, Mack told local police that a 12-foot green monster had attacked them and swallowed his friends! But the story of Mac and his friends was never published in the media or in the newspapers, and what happened that day remains a mystery.


Hope you like this list🖤

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Written by
3 years ago


An interesting and frightening article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kraken is the most terrifying sea creature of all. There are mermaids, giant bird Orc, in tales of Sinbad the Sailor and lot more. Vortex in water make ships catastrophe and they are lost forever.

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3 years ago