10 actresses who have played male roles in movies

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3 years ago
Topics: Facts, Cinema

Females sometimes chosen for male characters in movies, which makes the work of these actresses more difficult.

Some of the famous Hollywood actresses, in addition to performing significant roles in female sequences and roles, have proved that they can play completely different roles. Here you can see famous female actors who have played male roles in movies.

Hillary Swank in "Boys Don't Cry"

Swank is an actress who can make her audience cry and laugh in romantic or comedy films, but on the other hand, she can play the role of a boxing athlete and sometimes appear in the role of a man.

Cate Blanchett in "I'm Not There"

Cate Blanchett played Bob Dylan, one of the most important musical characters in "I'm Not There." If her name had not been written on the poster of this film, few people would have recognized that she played this role.

Amanda Bynes "That Girl Is the Man"

As can be seen in the photo, she has completely impersonated himself as a man in this film.

Gwyneth Paltrow in "Shakespeare in Love"

In this film, Paltrow's role was noticed by the audience. In the film, Paltrow plays a woman named Viola, who, of course, impersonates a boy named Thomas to play in a play. Many actors rehearsed for the role that only Gwyneth Paltrow could handle.

Tilda Swinton in "Orlando"

Mila Jovic in "Messenger"

In this film, which is a story about Jean Dark, Jovic has masculine faces and may even look a bit like Leonardo DiCaprio.

Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz in "Charlie's Angels"

The two actresses played the dead in the movie "Charlie's Angels".

Keira Knightley in "Pirates of the Caribbean"

In the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean", she tried to put himself on a ship as a teenage boy.

Meryl Streep in "Angels in America"

Streep played a different role of a man named Robbie in this series. Cameron Diaz says that if Meryl Streep is asked to play Batman, she will still be the best option.

Angelina Jolie in "Salt"

With her role in "Salt", Angelina Jolie showed that she can be a good choice for male characters as well.


Hope you like this article 🖤💛

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Facts, Cinema


In all of it I am only familiar with the 3 which are the Charles Angel, Pirates of the Caribbean, and salt.

They look like male indeed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hilary Swank is a promising actress. She played a boxing athlete in Million Dollar Baby. These actresses mentioned are very familiar to me. Does that make me a legit Hollywood fan? 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah of course 👍🏻

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, hi there! ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago