You want to help but you can't

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2 years ago

Injust received a new now, that some of the colleagues of my mother doesn't seem to report on their respective job. It made me sad cause there are two of them who came. My mother work as a service crew in a snack house. I couldn't help her cause I need to study hard to pass my incoming exam. I tried to seek another people to joined with my mother but I couldn't find anyone. Why does they became lazy? Maybe they have received their money from a political candidates.

My disposition right is not so good. I've seen many people here even though they are in poverty but became lazy after they received physical compliment from the politicians. Infact, when they don't have anything to eat, they approach immediately my mother for a partime job. When time comes they are sumptuous they became undecided whether they'll work or not. This make me irritated cause despite of their poverty they seems to showed their pride and laziness.

The owner of the snack house begs one of them but they declined. This makes me aroused my disposition since they have just refusing great opportunity. Infact when there were great calamities such as typhoon, they immediately approach the owner of the snack house to occupied space for evacuation. The owner seems to have a soft heart, so he immediately accepted them. Infact they stay in the house for almost two days without anything to bring. They consumed all of the reserved food. You know what after the typhoon they've just leave the area without any permission.

I couldn't imagine this mentality of the people. Like, they only want good sides to receive. But when in time of help they don't have any voluntarily movement to the owners. Maybe God sees the true color of this people that's why he decided to remained those kind of people to in poverty line. It's because of their behavior and mentality. They only want benefits. It is a form of mentality we caught from foreigners. I mean those Spaniards who seized the island for about 300 years.

My mother forced to do her job. I'm so sorry for I can't even help her because I really want to focus on my study. In addition I wanted also to spend time in this platform. It really help me alot especially when I need load for both internet and communication. My mother also try to convinced anyone from our neighborhood but they're all declined. This makes me absolutely disagree with all the people here. They are all look forward about money. They don't know how to help. I said to my mother, let them it be one day they'll need your boss.

I couldn't think about this but as I observed my mother's boss has a soft heart. He has a compassion and humility towards other despite the fact that he was being abused. He tend to help others. Well, to tell you he holds the principle that the more you give, God always on your side and tend to give you more than anyone was indulging of wealth without helping other people. I salute to what he does. I think God continuously give alot of blessings, especially his business right are getting progress. Infact they've earn more or less 30,000 a day. And that's a great income for just a single day. How about more in a month or year. Maybe God give him more blessings cause he is good.

Worst feeling

You know what does it feel when you really want to help but you need to prioritize things that are more crucial. That's how I'm going right now. I want to help my mother but I have to prioritize my study for my examination is approaching. I said to my mother that, soon you'll be flee from that job. I promised that to her even before. I think most of you does the same feeling with me. I really need to do this cause I'll go with with my sentiment I can't pass the exam. So, I need to prioritize my study first cause I know if you sacrifice great and good you'll be able to cope things.

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Avatar for Amaranth97
2 years ago


Sometimes people are hard to determine if there are so much pride for their self but we cannot force them to decide

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, it's true we can determine their true motives

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Anong exam itetake mo sis? Bar ba? Board? LET?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

LET sis , nakapag take kana ba nun sis?

$ 0.00
2 years ago