VPN, surprisingly possess good and bad side

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Hellowww folks! Such a good news here in our province. People celebrates the newly elected officials. They were been through alot of position and yes, people are trusted them for long time. Why? It's because they have done so much this province. Changes are observed. Everything is good and possible. Infact the province received an overwhelming appreciations from different region. Many infrastructure, huge businesses such as Metro, Gaisano, Pure gold and lastly soon to have, a Jollibee. This was a very good news.


This morning I also received another milestone for about three weeks of operation. I'm so thankful that even though I'm not like as active as before, still this news give me the reason to cope on writing everyday. I just reached a total of 398 views. I think this is a great chance to make changes about my inactivity this previous days. One thing I'm considering is that why I'm not active this past is that I have to many errands. I need to went to City cause I was about to file and submit a requirements for an exam.

To my friends

To all my friends here, let me express my gratitude to all of you cause without your presence here I can't even sustain even a single content. It is comment and response that drives me. It makes me feel good especially when someone drop a appreciation. This is a friendly platform. I found new friends here and they've all supported me throughout my articles. I'm just so grateful to all folks who have been part of this milestone. I'm also thankful to those people who have been occupied my blocks. Thanks for supporting me. It is a great intrinsic motivation when time I've seen your profile pictures on my blocks. It make me proud.

Let me just jump in to another topic which I found this early morning. I just read an article that talks about VPN. By the way I don't have any single idea how does it work but it really bothers me think that this product of imagination could used as threats to us. I saw the news lately that a private school teacher used VPN to hide his location. He tend to threaten all the people within NCR. It found out that someone will bomb the schools which was the venue for election or poll.

Does VPN guarantee a protection against anonymous threats

Many seen this post and news. Everyone was frightened and dreaded since people really want a peaceful conduction of election. The suspect want an exchange of 2 million. He made a negotiation that he want to wrap the money in a small box and nothing will bring that but a single person. But the suspect doesn't know that there were leak to his plan. The police already trapped him since he was using a PC and that he doesn't notice all of the information needed to caught him was already there. The police tracked the address of that PC he uses. Although the police have the hardtime to track his location since he was using VPN or virtual private network.

Fortunately, the police conducted a raid. I couldn't tell his address but I'm sure that that the suspect was caught. I saw the video and they didn't have any idea that it was his last day of operation. He was found in a room full of paraphernalia, I think he used that to make any undesirable things. Too much for that, VPN is being used to creat threat. I could tell that there were advantages in using this. For when I first read the descriptions that they hide your identity, I think you're prone to any malicious deeds cause why would you used such private transaction if there are available network and safe to use?

Other people say that using VPN increases that momentum of internet speed but I complained on that cause when I first used that it contradicts to it's results, like connection is still sluggish even though I used the server of USA. It doesn't give me any means. So I decided to stop using it and uninstalled it. Pardon me, guys if you've found it negative. I think not everyone experience this there are also capable of high speed connection. I think it's my phone and sim used who cause sluggish connection.

$ 1.48
$ 1.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @TheGuy
$ 0.02 from @Jeansapphire39
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I've tried VPN and it even worsen my connection for pete's sake hhaah. Nayways, congratulations for your another milestone sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks alot friend Sequoia. It's my pleasure to unlocked another phase of journey.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's been a long time since I've used VPN in my phone but it's not really stable so I stop using it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I really thought before that it increases the connection but it doesn't so, the same as you did ate I uninstalled it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nagbyad pa ako sa kapitbahay namin tapos para tayong tanga kakaantay bumilis ang signal hahaha. Mgdata na lng Ako.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I installed VPN back then pero so far okay naman ang usage ko.. Pero uninstall ko din since hindi naman ako naka premium. Haha. Di ko magamit ng maayos.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, I thought before na Hindi sya safe baka Kasi magintervene sa private data ko hehe , okay thanks sa info.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The VPN you used is an application you installed either from the playstore or browser right? The VPN used by hackers are self programmed...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes you are right. By the way in our country VPN are being regulated now. And, it is actually good to regulate them and even more good to ban them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You said it right friend. VPN should be regulated since alot of individuals hiding their true identity and conduct fraud transactions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes dear,. Ohh no! I caught that from playstore. Is it really safe? I already uninstalled it and reset my phone already to avoid unnecessary things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wala naman mangyayare sa phone mo but those VPNs don't usually if they did ilang oras o araw lang kase natatriangulate din lang sila.... Bawal kase Yun

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh, I thought it was. Thanks sa information. I have this apprehension since I didn't have any idea of this application, VPN.

$ 0.00
2 years ago