Simple father's day celebration

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June 19, 2022. Today is the celebration of a great member of the family. You know what I mean it's our father. Our dad is the pillar in abode. I always be grateful what good fathers does to their families. They strive just to give a brighter future for their family. Today is the best day to celebrate and I'm one of those kid who give great importance and respect to father.

I went to goldilocks trying to reserved atleast one cake, just a simple celebration together with my family. I went their and the line seems to be prolong cause there are alot of people who wants to buy also cakes. So, I decided not to purchase there, if I do I might be wasting my time. What I did to roam around the city maybe I can find a cheap and a good one. And I'm not mistaken cause I've found.

I just used to bought simple cake cause we don't have enough budget. Well, the most important thing is that I we are complete in the family and we are happy on it. I'm just so happy cause I have a father which is so good. I think all of the qualities need for a good father is in him. I can tell that cause he do everything just to raise us despite of difficulties in life.So, through this simple celebration we could have a significant time with him. Let me show you what I bought.

Simple cake for a significant celebration

This is a cheap cake but from the buttom of my heart it denotes my profound gratitude and love to my father. In this way we could express our thoughts and sentiments to my father. Although we have some misinterpretations still we could manage it through understanding each other.

I'm just so happy cause my father prolong his life despite of some diseases he had. He managed it cause he is courageous person. He doesn't want that his problems are bigger than his ambition in life. I can still remember when our grandparents told a story about my father, my father that time one of the leading students way back when he was in highschool and elementary.

I can see those evidences through his gained awards and medals. He was one of the brightest students before when he was in elementary and highschool. To tell you guys, he didn't finish is study after he graduated in highschool he wasn't sent to university or private institution. He work as a family driver in Pasig City.

My grandparents told us that their situation before was so hard. They have the hardtime just to surpass even a single meal. And that force my father to work cause theres no one supported him went to school. During his time it is seldom to find scholarship. My father find a way but he can't find cause their neighbors are just poor also. Infact he is the only person who graduated elementary and highschool and that because of his endeavor. He work at nights and if their is vacant time he offered labor in other houses.

My father realized how important is education. He just said to himself I someone supported him that time he could finish his college but fortune doesn't seem to embrace his wants. He was force to traversed to NCR and that he found a job which was a family driver. Well, he was contented with his wage cause it can sustain his family. He wants his sisters and brothers went to school but nothing were interested. He got angry that time cause all of their siblings refused his offer. Like he wanted to sent them at school. Imagine that a big opportunity was decline.

He found out that all of his siblings were already engaged and his sisters have their own family. My father can't reach the news that time cause theres no social media or even cellphone. My father decided also to engage marriage cause he want to form a family. He wants a family. My father informed his parents and gladly they are supporting my father's decision.

Many years later we can into existence until he sent us in college and gladly he did it through his endeavor and sacrifices. I'm proud of him cause despite of struggles in life he managed it all. Infact, i graduated already and received a diploma. My father that time when I graduated in college was so happy and he told me his ambition in life has been fullfilled. I'm so happy that time also. This all thanks for reading ☺️.

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$ 0.02 from @Jeansapphire39
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Uy! I almost missed this. It's special ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy father's day to him. Wishing a good health always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks po...I wish he had a good health. You too and your father

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! This is so passionate. Your dad is so strong, I wish him long live in good health dear. Really means so much for parents to see the success they built in their children. May we make our parents proud. Amen ! Happy father's day to all father's of the world.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks Gianna I'm so thankful to you. I hope also that all of the father's around the globe is good. Let me greet again happiest fathers day 😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago