She does not give up

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Avatar for Amaranth97
2 years ago

Such a lovely morning. Hope you'll have the same morning with me. I just want to share this thought about life story. I saw post it posted on one of my fb friend. It talks about life. Let's assume her name Mary cause I don't want to left any idea who is behind of this writings๐Ÿ˜. She is a poor girl. Her family is living in a countryside and her parents which is primary job is farming. Her parents couldn't send her at school cause their income is quite enough for survival or living.


She decides to join singing contest when our Mayor decide to accumulate all of the best singers in the province. She has a good voice and indeed, she impressed other people while she performed. The term of the mayor has ended and he decides to run again for the second time again as a mayor. He needs a singer that vocalize the ideology of the mayor. Mary was so happy that she being selected to compose song for the mayor. She spent time making a lyrics and until she made a good one.

Everyone is singing the song. The song was caught the theme of Pusong Bato, some people are familiar with this song which bestow deep sentiment like the victim was a boy. The song was used for campaign purposes and indeed it really caught the attention of people. There was a van used to roam around the city. I like the song but I couldn't share with the full lyrics since it is confidential. Hope you understand. As time passed by, Mary realized that she need to went in school.

She decided to went back to school. In that time she was in grade 8. As she entered the school many students are already known her cause of the song she was composed. Everyone was impressed including the teachers there. Despite of being in poverty situation, she became well known and that cause her to start making investment through her talent. In every event of the school she will be automatically performed the intermission number. She has a good and mellow voice both high and deep notes, she can do all of it.

She became one of the Choir member of the Catholic church. And that gives her the opportunity to hone her skills. She meet alot of friends at school and church. People know there situation, infact one of the church member were already visited there house. All of them got pity. Good thing that there alot of people who truly helps them. They give some financial support and even some commodities.

Mary's high school experience was good. She meet good students, teachers and colleagues. Sometimes she have so many shortcomings due the lack of financial matters or support but she fulfill it with her intelligence and robust dedication to obtain her dreams in life. She want to uplift their current situation. She want to help her own family. She also want to finish her study and including her siblings. Fate embraced her cause God is helping her in times of hardship in life.

To make the story short she finished her High School era. She wanted to enrolled in college. But sad to say her family can't afford to it. She was so sad and dreaded cause what if she can't enrolled in college. She makes a way. She search alot of scholarships offers but she couldn't find a good one. One day while she was thinking she thinks about the mayor. Gladly, she decided to approach to the mayor and talks about her plans. Well, her plans is to work and simultaneously study at the nearest university. The mayor embrace her and without any thinking the mayor give her allowance and she don't have to work. Imagine how good is the mayor. She doesn't let her work for an exchange for his study. Mary was so happy that time and she was so grateful to God. She always pray for it. After, 4 years of studying finally she graduated with high scholastic ratings. She is a cumlaude. Her course is Business Administration. She just appointed by the mayor to a position in Municipal. And that started her to help her family and she went her siblings to school.

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Avatar for Amaranth97
2 years ago


Thats a nice story for all of us. Perseverance and dedication gives her way to success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for appreciating my content ESP, yes perseverance and hardworks were really great factor that allow her to obtain her goals

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay teka pinay ka sis? ๐Ÿคฃ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜† haha Hindi ba halata sis? Yes I'm proud to ba Filipina.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya di ako makapagreply sa comment kase kala ko english e HAHAHAHAAH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I salute to her. She never stop dreaming and really tried her best to pursue her studies and finished College with a rewards.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is a very inspiring story, @Amaranth97. Perseverance despite all odds is so very important and I am pleased to see that it has paid off for your friend, and that she excelled and is now better positioned so that she can help her family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, Thanks dear friend Trifecta. Perseverance and dedication are two aspects that brought the girl to her dreams. It just paid off all her efforts exerted. Thanks for dropping ๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago