Motivation is what keep you going

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In our life we need motivation cause it drives us to what we intended to do. Life has full of challenges. It's is true to our life now, we have alot of trials sometimes we think that we can't cope those things. We became demotivated when we encounter alot of problems but in some point we got motivated due to some people influence and deeds.

I really appreciate those people who exert alot of effort just to reach their goal. Let me just share this thoughts to you. Actually, it's a story. We have this neighborhood who is a very poor family. Sometimes they don't have something to eat like they don't have enough income for a day. They loss their father and only their mother gives them the necessities to survive. We seen and we are the witness before how was their life. Indeed, they are so unfortunate when we think of.

There youngest sister realized whats their situation. She is willing to go in school. She think that education is the only key to uplift their current life. The only thing she think is that how can she finished her study without any support. Her mother can't give financial support since her mother doesn't have enough income. They have the hardtime to cope even a single day, asking will they survive. The eldest decided to work and sustained the youngest sister.

She sent some money to his younger sister and try to give as much as she can. As time passed by without knowing the eldest sister was already in 3rd year college. The family are so happy. The middle child decided also to work to help their family. It's good decision since her youngest sister needs more financial cause the pre-service is approaching. There are two siblings worked together just to support the family.

Gradually, as we observed their situation is getting good. Unlike before they have the hardest time to provide their need but now they can have buy their wants. Three years later the youngest sister graduated in college. The family was so happy that time. At last they can assure their upliftment in life. By the way the youngest sister took education course. She study hard to take the board exam unfortunately, she didn't succeed her first attempt. She was so sad that time.

She try again and study hard. She didn't skip atleast one day without studying. She was in self study since their family couldn't sustain the amount of review center. She try to study hard so she passed the exam. And fortunately, she passed the exam in the second attempt. The family were so happy and celebrate it the day after the results.

The youngest sister apply for a job in Deped and she was so lucky she immediately called cause the government seems need to have a teachers. It was the time the youngest sister served the government and earn enough money to sustain their family. Their mother seems to have ease in life. All her sacrifices have gave them a fruitful and sweet outcomes.


In life we can encounter alot of struggles if we found it difficult we just have to endure. Try to strive for future. Take a breath. This is a good example, despite of our struggles we can change our situation into sumptuous life. We couldn't determine what the future and fate of a person. A person who strives alot and take an extra effort most of a time they get successful. We should be consistent also to our plan. Everything should be fine as long as we have endeavor.

Motivation is what keeps to going. That's the reason behind those successful people. Sometimes we get demotivated cause of some instances and other people who are so toxic. If you found those people on your life just ignore them. They are just waste of time. Strive for your goal and family. Just remember your family is important and that's the reason why you sacrifice.

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We truly need daily motivation and encouragement to get through the day. So be kind to one other and let's support each other.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True friend. Motivation is the one that push us to continue. Sometimes I felt tired but because of those motivations I became alive and continue what I've started.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, thats what make us do a certain things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The support of her family was a motivator for the youngest sister. Maybe it wouldn't have been possible without their support.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, support has alot to do. It's our drive to pursue our dreams

$ 0.00
2 years ago

morale booster

$ 0.00
2 years ago