Benefits of having a good relationship

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I know some of you here are already engages to someone. Or else you're in a relationship which seems to be good. Having a relationship with someone is indeed motivational. Someone whom we can trust. There are other people who experienced of betrayal like they are being cheated with someone. We can talk to someone if we have problems or something undesirable sentiment. Someone who can offer a mellow cuddle.

This is what I dream for charott. Many of us also wanted to have a good relationship especially when we are in the right relationship. Typically, those people who are millennials they have their relationship 20+ of age. Like 21, 22, 23 and 24. This is common. I'm not telling this was the majority cause there are also people who engaged marriage during their teenage. Infact I've talked to my parents and asked about what are the typical ages that their generation will engage marriage. She just replied: Not to brag but our parents are strict. Everytime there was someone who will court us, they interrogate first the guy. This is how life before the one who initiate relationship is the guy not the girl.

Moving swiftly on our topic, what are the benefits of having a good relationship. We can conclude that having a relationship can have alot of advantages. I mean there's someone who can help us in times of trials. By the way I will just enumerate the good sides of having a relationship. I think majority of us really wanted to have a good relationship whether in our parents, partner, friends and siblings. We wish to have a good time with them.

° We need to have our time and spent it with our love ones. No matter how we became busy for how many days or months be sure to set aside a time for you to spend with you relationship. Sometimes other people don't realize how important time is. Time is indispensable. We can't just notice but time is the thing that person really need. Some people neglected this. That's why they came up with break.

° Be open-minded. It means if there are quarrels exist you must not insist you own side. Don't decid immediately while your disposition in not good. Don't decide while you're get overwhelmed. It's a thing some people really do they decide when their sentiment are aroused. It's not good cause when emotions will disappear you won't do them as you did while you're got overwhelmed. When I say be open minded I mean be neutral. Don't judge immediately. Show humility and sympathy to someone and try to understand him/her if the side goes to him/her.

° Give love. For sure love is the only way to prevent or refrain people from doing such undesirable things. It's love who can truly melt a frozen heart. Tsarrrrsss! BTW, I think love always give us the courage to exercise good deeds. We tend to be respectful and try to understand things profoundly. We need also to have boundaries of our love cause sometimes people will abuse it. Sometimes they use that to take advantage.

° Avoid cheating. This is going to apply those who have partners or being engaged to someone. Don't cheat cause there might be a doble effect about what you did. People are vulnerable. No matter how we strive to reject temptation we still getting and doing unnecessary things. Cheating is somehow a very probable cause of breaking promise to someone. It's not good to cheat. So, if you wish to have a healthy relationship to someone better to avoid it.

Final thoughts

It is us who can actually control over our actions. But always remember that having a good relationship is to have a good personalities and qualities. Relationship isn't easy there might be alot of obstacles before you can declare that you have a good relationship. Our partner in life seems to be a very important being on our life. Sometimes it is our drive to do a certain things. I've seen this while I'm still studying in highschool. I was really shocked cause they act like they are in marriage. This is now the typical one.

Enough for that. I'm just trying to bestow some idea. Love is the best mediator. It can maintain a good relationship. It is love that can make balance to our emotions. In that case we should maintain love. We can't assure that relationship will last. There might be an outside forces that will ruin our good relationship. Don't let someone intervene your good relationship to someone.

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Absolutely right. Loyalty, love and tolerance are indispensable for a good relationship. families interfere and sometimes break relationships

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Having a good relationship is truly blessed pero pg nakakasakal na di tlaga mgnda Kya wla dw forever hehehe. Di madali pg committed ka na sa isang tao. Andyan na lahat lahat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, kailangan Hindi lang one sided or over committed ka sa isang tao lang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

establish a good relationship is to build and complement each other's shortcomings of each partner because we can build a better life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, this is really true Whenever we have shortcomings in life better we fullfil it immediately

$ 0.00
2 years ago