What is self-love?

Self-love is waking up each morning believing that you are given another chance to try and build yourself up to be better. It's drinking water as frequently as you can because you care about your health. It's eating healthy food for your future self to thank you for. It's saying NO to say YES to yourself. It's not being ashamed of what and who you are. It's constantly working on building your self-esteem because you know you owe it to your older self. It's making sure you do something every day that will help you advance in life. It's trying to navigate the wheel of life even when you're not even sure how to drive. It's allowing yourself to be depressed, sad anf vulnerable. It's givung yourself time to heal. It's being gentle to yourself.

Self-love is prioritizing yourself and acknowledging the fact that you are important and knowing your wortg is literally what self-love is!

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@Alyza posted 3 years ago
