You Must Understand! Types of Copyrights in the Digital Realm

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To avoid cases of copyright abuse, you need to equip yourself with knowledge about copyrighted photos in the digital realm. In fact, a photo with a Creative Commons license, which has been considered "safe" for free use, turns out to consist of several categories that not all of you can use and share carelessly.

That is, not all photos or images you can take randomly whenever you want. There are three types of copyrights that you need to know about:

Traditional copyright

The owner of a photo or image with copyright holds the full copyright of his work. That is, these photos cannot be used, reproduced, or published without permission from the owner. Well, all original photos or images are protected by this copyright when they are made.

Creative commons

Ever found a photo or picture on the internet that is marked with the CC icon? That is, the photo has a creative commons license. Photos with a CC license can be used without the owner's permission, but certain conditions apply.

Please note that CC licenses do not replace copyright. CC licenses work in conjunction with copyright, allowing the copyright owner to change the terms that best suit what is needed. People who put CC licenses on their photos or images can choose one or more of these four types of conditions:

  1. Attribution: You must specify the source of the photo or image in the manner specified by the creator or licensor if you use, copy, or share their work.

  2. Non-commercial: You may use, copy, and share photos or images only for non-commercial purposes.

  3. No derivative works: you may use, copy, and share photos or images, but you cannot change them at all.

  4. Share alike: You may change the photo or image content, but you must allow others to use the new work with the same license as the original. You may not treat these photos or images with a Share Alike license that you adapted as if it were your own copyright. 

The four conditions have their respective symbols which will make it easier for you to know the mechanism of using a photograph or picture. Ideally, each CC-licensed photo or image will be accompanied by a symbol of the conditions desired by the owner.

So, if for example a photo or picture has the Attribution, Non-Commercial, and No Derivative Works symbols, that means you can use the photo if you mention the owner, do not change the content, and do not make money from using photos.

Public domain

If you find photos or images with a Public Domain license, it means the owner has submitted their work to the public domain. In other words, you can use, copy, modify and distribute photos freely, even for commercial purposes.

Maybe a little explanation here so that all can understand.

And this post include several sites that provide free photos.

The good news, there are more than 227 million CC licensed photos available in the digital realm! Thirty percent of it can be used for commercial purposes.

On the following sites, you can find many CC licensed photos or images:

Wikimedia Commons

Flickr: Creative Commons

Max Pixel 




Live of Fix


Web Archive

Hopefully it is useful and understand also not just as long as blaming the use of photos later By learning about digital photo licenses, you can avoid the risk of copyright infringement and become a suspect of copyright infringement.

For example, I included a photo in this post with the description and the link.

So if I don't use this source image, it's fine, but it's an example so it's understandable.

- image source : 

Pixabay License

Free for commercial use

No attribution required

$ 0.00
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Very useful article, i like the simple way of you explain the topic. Could be good if you talk about copyright of writers too.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very nice article😊

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I recommend those who are interested in how copyright works to read "Understanding Copyright" by @Velalisieur,

I also want to warn that the fund could perhaps make the use of images here to commercial use in the eyes of the law. Especially if in the future it would grow and pay out larger amounts to individual members. Better to use only images from the Public Domain.

$ 0.00
4 years ago