Who is the real winner?

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1 year ago
Topics: Economy, Finances, Freewrite, Facts, Ask, ...

Winner means being the champion in a contest or competition that aims to get the best results among the best. Many things in the series of human life globally or individually are taken as examples that can be said to be contests or competitions. But why is this competition able to be present in the systematic world of the world's economy, is it just a sign of success, or is it just a show and a struggle for power?

Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay 

In economic conditions, the currency becomes the value of the commodity that is used as a reference, especially in the matter of being selected and being the best among the currencies in circulation. Become an asset value for a country for their economic strength in the world economy.

We can say that as a currency champion between countries, there may be a choice that the American dollar is the champion. Then in other forms of currency such as crypto bitcoin is the winner. Can it really be seen as a champion and a winner? Why is that, isn't it clear that the winner or the winner is meant to be attached to a contest or competition?

This means that if you look for and see the language of contests and competitions themselves in the economic system, they are not present because of the actual context. More can be interpreted that the contest was born because of the system and formation of each community itself. Even if it is raised in the polling room on the choices and votes of most people, it can certainly be proven right and can also be proven wrong.

Bitcoin the supremacy of the existence of cryptocurrency is called the mother of the birth of crypto that was born. But it can clearly be said that she wasn't a winner. If it is said first, it means that it is true, if it is declared the winner, it will not be because the market capacity and value have clearly made Bitcoin at the top. And if Tether is said to be a champion, it's true.

And switching to the US dollar currency is said to be a winner, it's because of unilateral policies on economic conditions and trade regulation problems created by them. If you look at who the real champion is in terms of currency, then Yuan is actually the champion. Where the current global trade capacity is dominated by the bamboo curtain country.

But all of that is only a schematic view of the conditions and the game of the world economy. Even if examined more deeply, the winner of the world's financial language is the financial system service provider itself. Where they have more control, regulate, and can determine a policy that ultimately affects the pace of the economy of a country and the world. The banking world is their home, shelter, and gathering to become the real rulers of the world's economic conditions under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund,( IMF ) as a funder for the needy.


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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Economy, Finances, Freewrite, Facts, Ask, ...


I don't know but fiat currencies are in a very weird moment now... we will see...

$ 0.02
1 year ago

We all go through life in search.

$ 0.02
1 year ago